What are some conspiracy theories you believe?

Started by yummy, July 21, 2017, 11:24:33 PM

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Eternal Bell

Quote from: ORORO MUNROE-UDAKU on July 22, 2017, 10:39:45 AM
The biggest conspiracy is that it's all connected
Even the Bible, it's been altered tho

There are two separate passsages on the creation of man, the ones before, then Adam in God's image

I feel like there are a distinct group of "black" ppl who purposely had their history erased and hidden from them. The only question is why.

But the answer lies beyond the poles of the flat earth, most likely where God or the God beings are. They're definitely keeping us here in an eternal cycle of life and death to power their needs.

The fed reserve was made to control the wealth of the world. The United States isn't a country, it's a fckn business in Delaware, you can search in their website. American Citizens, English citizens, the followers of the Vatican are all blood slaves, born into it :dead:

The moon landing was faked, I REALLY hope nobody believes they passed through the Van Allen belt in a fckn aluminum can. Masonic "scientist" were created to further implement this idea that we are alone in this big expanding universe! spinning, rotating around the sun, while flying through space at well over 1 million miles per hour. We haven't even explored the fckn OCEAN yet, only 5% of it is even MAPPED. So how the fck are yawl galavanting in outer space when we don't even know if intelligent life lives in the oceans, occupying more space than ourselves!

Because they want ppl to feel alone and in despair. And they don't encourage independent thinking because logic would tell us if we can power militaries and build amazing cities, then poverty and world hunger should NOT exist. But we stay sleep and are continually desensitized.

the constellations are in the same fckn place as when the Egyptians made the damns pyramids. Common sense says that even if we believed their heliocentric model, if the universe is expanding, there no way the angles of the stars would be the exact same

The meaning of life isn't hidden, it's just hidden from us :dead:

They have owned and controlled TV and advertising since the start. Implanted messages into Hollywood movies. now with Facebook, YouTube, and social media, they took a gamble, the tools that use to desensitize our youth, could possibly be the free outlet of speech that could expose them. But they already took steps to ensure that, anybody who says these things are automatically branded conspiracy theorist or crazy. They intentionally plant extremists and muddy the waters so ppl don't see the core argument.

cmon nows!

Cowboy Nine

- Cure for cancer and other diseases exist. But the medical and pharmaceutical industries will never release them because of capitalism and corporate greed.

- Kind of connected, but after watching What The Health, it kinda confirmed how all industries basically collude to keep people unhealthy so they can make money. It's sick.

- 9/11 being an inside job. Oh! Terrorists! Homeland security! Plea.


Sorry, but the chemtrail thing is one of the dumbest conspiracy theories.


Quote from: 1RIG on July 22, 2017, 01:12:15 AM
Any and everything 9/11 related

That orchestrated ass BOMBING  :dead: planes!  Please.  Planes ain't knocking down buildings and melting steel


America is disgusting and they tried it lolz


I'm ready to overthrow the government!

Eternal Bell

these aliens havin sex in afrika

aint nobod' gonna fckin TELLS me-ah!
tht shit aint goin DOWNS


Yea we never landed on the damn moon. Like, why havent we gone back.



They def' shot this in a hollyweird studio
a 20th Century Fox tea

Buy The Stars✨

Quote from: L0NZ. on July 22, 2017, 01:20:32 PM
Yea we never landed on the damn moon. Like, why havent we gone back.

I think we have gone there and to a lot of places we just don't know about it

Eternal Bell

i think we HAVES been to tha moon & once they got there
they almos got their asses killed n cames BAC!

theres beings living there


Quote from: Banjee Gorl Tinker on July 22, 2017, 01:23:48 PM
i think we HAVES been to tha moon & once they got there
they almos got their asses killed n cames BAC!

theres beings living there
I always wondered what's on the darkside of the moon


Quote from: 92 on July 22, 2017, 12:53:07 PM
- Cure for cancer and other diseases exist. But the medical and pharmaceutical industries will never release them because of capitalism and corporate greed.

- Kind of connected, but after watching What The Health, it kinda confirmed how all industries basically collude to keep people unhealthy so they can make money. It's sick.

- 9/11 being an inside job. Oh! Terrorists! Homeland security! Plea.

Wait, I'm watching this right now and my eyes are kinda OPENING.

Eternal Bell

Quote from: Jayda' on July 22, 2017, 01:24:34 PM
Quote from: Banjee Gorl Tinker on July 22, 2017, 01:23:48 PM
i think we HAVES been to tha moon & once they got there
they almos got their asses killed n cames BAC!

theres beings living there
I always wondered what's on the darkside of the moon

i think theres more monoliths like on mars & saturns moons up there


They only went to the moon to show Americans had a bigger dick

There's nothing there gainful that's why they dont pay much attention to it


4 fucking k

Quote from: Gilgamesh. on July 22, 2017, 05:37:07 AM
The nose on the Sphinx was destroyed because it looked "too Black" and would therefore reveal Black people were using advance technology in ancient times.
