I wish Kelly Rowland was more of a fighter

Started by MAY, October 01, 2015, 02:51:30 AM

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I've been listening to her first 2 albums and I feel like she could have been Bey's biggest competition.

Sis had all the skills to really slay the game. She could sing, dance, and she's gorgeous.

I think had she broke away from Mathew & that cult at the very beginning
of her solo career she would have been more successful.

It's clear all the years of being under the Knowles family and in Bey's shadow
really took a toll on her self confidence, especially during her earlier solo career.
I think all the years of being up Bey's ass caused the public to not really respect her.

Also, so many bad decisions were made during her first 2 eras.
From the single choices to the promo. It was just a mess.

I'm sorry, but it seems like Mathew really did hold her back.
It's like he wanted her to be successful, but not TOO successful.

However at the end of the day that's her fault. Not his.



she was young and so used to thinking of some of them as FAMILY, and she put that before anything else. Im glad she finally admit that she'd become a bit resentful, among other things. its kinda sad


October 01, 2015, 03:03:28 AM #4 Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 03:04:17 AM by MΛΥDΛΥ
Quote from: RIG on October 01, 2015, 02:56:40 AM
she was young and so used to thinking of some of them as FAMILY, and she put that before anything else. Im glad she finally admit that she'd become a bit resentful, among other things. its kinda sad

I get that, and I can see why she felt that way. She probably stood by Mathew because they did take her in and she was being "loyal", but it was to the detriment of her own career. It seemed like her solo mess was always handled as an afterthought.

It's sad because she really had so much potential. She just needed more backbone.


She's just not built for it. Bey is just on another level from a lot of these girls tbh.


October 01, 2015, 03:10:50 AM #6 Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 03:11:22 AM by Baphomet.
Bottom line.
Kelly is lazy and .... She just has never and will never have what it takes to be Bey's competition.
Her performance skills haven't even improved since DF era and actually she's regressed.   



October 01, 2015, 03:26:52 AM #8 Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 03:28:32 AM by MΛΥDΛΥ
And I'm saying all this as a fan. I use Kelly profusely.

I agree that she is lazy. If she really put in the work she could be a much stronger vocalist and performer.

I also think she lacks creativity. Her music isn't bad by any means, but it's kinda bland.
When I listen to her material it doesn't sound like it was created for her. The majority of
her songs sound like they were sitting on someone's hard drive for a while until she got her hands on it
and just recorded her version.

In all this time she really hasn't found her sound.
She's been biting Brandy for so long that it has become her "sound".

I just feel like she is capable of so much more.

Last era she was supposed to be working with Jimmy Jam & Terry Lewis.
I wonder what happened with that. That actually had me kind of excited.


Maybe she should do more dance music. She kinda owned that for a little bit.
And do that Donna Summer biopic



Those first two albums are garbage.

"Talk A Good Game">

But I will ALWAYS appreciate her for "Motivation" and "Like This"

