self-aware, self-critical

Started by crunk aint dead, July 23, 2023, 09:30:13 AM

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crunk aint dead

July 23, 2023, 09:30:13 AM Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 09:39:12 AM by Laklãnõ Xogleng
It's a good thing to constantly check yourself and ask yourself questions.

For instance : if your friend recently accomplished something huge and amazing and you find yourself a bit hesitant to join in on their celebration and/or click "share" to help them spread the news, promote them, etc.

This would be a great time to pause for a second and question yourself . "Why am I slow to give congrats? Why don't I immediately feel happy for my friend?"

Remember these are conversations with yourself - no one else will hear them so it's ok and safe to be very honest and self-critical without the fear of being judged by an onlooking audience.

Really open up to yourself and allow honesty to flow through the conversation.

Being self-critical and self-aware will not only help you to get to know yourself better, but people can pick up on someone's level of self-awareness and ability to self-evaluate . We do it all the time! In every part of life - even in job interviews. The more you know about yourself, the better.

that's all mama fro got for y'all today.