Just paste the video link in your post and it automatically generates a player
Works for:
Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Vine, Metacafe
However, if you want to use Youtube with its parameters like autoplay, start or end, here's how you do it:
Click on the Youtube button
and paste the video link in between the tags.
[youtube]{youtube link}[/youtube]
[youtube width=x height=y]{youtube link}[/youtube]
[yt]{youtube ID}[/yt]
[yt {parameters}]{youtube ID}[/yt]
[yt_user {parameters}]{username}[/yt_user]
[yt_search]{search query}[/yt_search]
[yt_search {parameters}]{search query}[/yt_search]
width and
height is specified by
x and
yt_user bbcode will show videos by the specified YouTube username.
yt_search bbcode will show videos matching the provided search phrase.
http://youtu.be, and
http://www.youtu.be also works.
https:// works instead of
Optional parameters and values for all YouTube bbcodes are:
- width = Specifies the width of the iframe area.
- height = Specifies the height of the iframe area.
- start = Specifies the number of seconds into the video to start at.
- end = Specifies the number of seconds into the video to stop at.
- autoplay = 1, yes, on or true
- color = red or white
- theme = dark or light
- loop = 1, yes, on or true
- controls = 0, no, off, hide or false
- showinfo = 0, no, off, hide or false
- privacy = 1, yes, on or true
License© 2015 - 2018, Douglas Orend
All rights reserved.