Board Rules + How to embed YouTube videos

Started by Admin, November 12, 2015, 06:58:34 PM

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November 12, 2015, 06:58:34 PM Last Edit: August 14, 2020, 01:26:40 PM by 𝖘𝖖𝖚𝖎𝖉
Just paste the video link in your post and it automatically generates a player

Works for:
Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, Vine, Metacafe

However, if you want to use Youtube with its parameters like autoplay, start or end, here's how you do it:

Click on the Youtube button and paste the video link in between the tags.

[youtube]{youtube link}[/youtube]

[youtube width=x height=y]{youtube link}[/youtube]

[yt]{youtube ID}[/yt]

[yt {parameters}]{youtube ID}[/yt]


[yt_user {parameters}]{username}[/yt_user]

[yt_search]{search query}[/yt_search]

[yt_search {parameters}]{search query}[/yt_search]

where width and height is specified by x and y.

The yt_user bbcode will show videos by the specified YouTube username.

The yt_search bbcode will show videos matching the provided search phrase.

Substituting,,, and also works.  https:// works instead of http://.

    Optional parameters and values for all YouTube bbcodes are:

    • width = Specifies the width of the iframe area.
    • height = Specifies the height of the iframe area.
    • start = Specifies the number of seconds into the video to start at.
    • end = Specifies the number of seconds into the video to stop at.
    • autoplay = 1, yes, on or true
    • color = red or white
    • theme = dark or light
    • loop = 1, yes, on or true
    • controls = 0, no, off, hide or false
    • showinfo = 0, no, off, hide or false
    • privacy = 1, yes, on or true
© 2015 - 2018, Douglas Orend
All rights reserved.


November 12, 2015, 07:04:55 PM #1 Last Edit: February 24, 2019, 11:05:48 AM by squid

  • NSFW ("Not safe for work") content should only be posted using the spoiler code (in posting mode click on the "Sp"-symbol). Remember to add the word "NSFW" in the title when starting a thread.
  • Don't bump topics that are older than 3 months.
  • Don't post download links to full albums/movies etc. that are purchasable. Free mixtapes are an exception.
  • Spamming the board can result in a ban. This will be assessed on a case by case basis.

  • Automatic Ban: Posting a current/former members' picture is prohibited (in original or edited form) -- that also includes GIFs, videos, audios, and links to specific picture(s) of members. You CANNOT post a current/former member's picture for ANY reason (including adoration purposes or if the member posted the pic themselves). However, please send a personal message (PM) to Staff to REPORT this issue (along with the specified link); otherwise no action will be taken.  Creating a thread to address the issue will not count as a report. 
  • Permanent Ban:
    • Posting threats to individuals (members/non-members) that are deemed dangerous and HIGHLY capable is prohibited. This helps protect the forum from any potential legal situations. This is will be assessed on a case by case basis.

    • Posting inappropriate "underage" materials (film, photos, or any other media) will result in a permanent ban. No debates.

    Ignoring these rules can result in a ban  :wheresmymeds:

    Note: Rules are updated periodically. It is your responsibility to check for updates.


If you wanna set the start time for a youtube video, add "&t=60s" to the end of the URL :jetbeauty: