a lil advice to u summer partyin folk

Started by Treasure, July 25, 2015, 03:16:43 AM

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dnt ride 'round wit ur windows down at nite

use tha AC
keep ur mess LOCK UP n S'CURE

tonite tried to save me a trip to tha gas station
ridin 'round wit ma frien
pumpin music
ridin 'round jus to ride! lettin' go! no worry!  :freewilly:
had dat loud on deck LMAO!

droppin my frien off n this HUGE ass fly

n b'fore yall starts laughin it wasnt no ord'nary ass fly
this thing was a fckin BEETLE size flyin DEMON

buzz was so fckin LOUD omg  :hmph:
im not 'bout to go into detail 'bout tha hour long battle i had wit tha bitch to get it kilt n OUT of my mess

im tire

