aszdfgcvbnnnnnn its fckin startin

Started by Nyan Cat, April 19, 2016, 11:06:32 PM

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Nyan Cat

a big ass ANT jus ran cross my fckin room

im scared to sit my ass down now :loose2when:



Nyan Cat

Log 1: preparation

ok i pulled out tha VACUUM n swerved tha sucker thing up und' a few times

HOPEFULLY i gots it

im sittin down..
ive shielded tha front n both sides of my bed wit shoe boxes so if it is still cnt escape n it jus dies

Nyan Cat

Nyan Cat


Nyan Cat

think ima jus book a 'tel room for tha next 2 nites

Nyan Cat

Quote from: Kaeli. on April 19, 2016, 11:41:30 PM
Is ur house filthy
no nvr!

im super clean
which i why i HATES wen i see an'thing movin wen it shouldnt!

this is rlly ridicalous to me rite now
im so piss
im not suppose to b stress today



u know what!


Ma Lo

I'd rather ants than roaches......or rats or mam

Nyan Cat

it died las nite

guessin i rlly GOT it wit tha vacuum snsns

im runnin to tha store later on for sum bug acid mess to spray the corners of my doors wit
its a fckin bug JUNGLE outside in tha summer ovr here

big ass spiders
army ants lookin for a damns battle at ev' witcha WAY!

im ovr it
ovr this summer alrdy!