When you discover songs already on your iPod...

Started by MAY, July 13, 2016, 03:01:23 AM

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July 13, 2016, 03:01:23 AM Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 12:43:58 PM by MΛΥDΛΥ
[youtube autoplay=1][/youtube]

I have so much music on my iPod. Songs I've never even played.

This randomly sifted on last night and I've been getting my life!


This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


Quote from: Vonc2002 on July 13, 2016, 12:54:38 PM
I love when that happens

When this song came on I was like... :uhh:

But then it started sounding really good.


Yas, True Romance is a great alb'. I also love that song she did with Brooke Candy on it.