Stop puttting slow ass Beyonce on a pedestal

Started by Janet, February 25, 2018, 01:19:40 AM

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Cowboy Nine

Quote from: Janet on February 25, 2018, 01:19:40 AM
I know must of you want to be women but you?ll agree with me once this rant is over

She a dumby like the rest of them. Her husband cheats on her constantly because her pussy is petty. Hes going to continue to cheat on Beyonce and her slow ass is going to stay, we all know she only has a fifth grade education and she failed her ged twice

No one in the real world cares about Beyonce lemonade visual album outside of the month it was released. That?s why rihanna, Taylor, Adele, and Bruno will continue to outsell her dumb ass. Beyonce can only use her failing marriage for so long to sell records. The public is TIRED and her sagging album sells show it. Beyonce hasn?t had a solo number 1 since bush was elected and she won?t get another one.

We are tired of her nappy blonde wigs. Nothing says black power like a nappy blonde wig that old hoe is always sportin she?s tired and over.

And that?s sincerely CIARA

PS. No one cares that, that sour puss hoe is creo


Quote from: Genesis on February 25, 2018, 01:53:26 AM
Janet left a black man just to have a mixed light skinned baby

Janet is the definition of idiot


He really tried it.