Madonna is doing this on purpose at this point

Started by BAPHOMET., June 30, 2018, 12:05:08 AM

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Quote from: feed ha to the lions. on June 30, 2018, 11:54:38 AM
Quote from: ton on June 30, 2018, 11:46:12 AM
!!!!! Ken

Plus, we've been seeing SLAVE MOVIES our entire lives and its always some dark skinned person in some RAGS

I see why the association sticks

I really dont think Madonna is racist. She has 2 black children in her damns house

But I do believe shes probably not aware of how.... this is perceived.

Surly the woman is evil, but not evil enough to make fun of her own damn children on the internet :dead:
Yeah I think a lot of White people are so drowned in their privilege that stuff like this completely flies over their head.

But when I saw Madonna in that video mess playing with the kids, she was down on their level near the floor. Having fun "cooking" with them. Body language says a lot to me.

Slave masters didn't really bring themselves down to the floor to help the slaves with their chores.

And I agree that all the slave movies play a big role. I guarantee that if the girl in Nicki's ELLE shoot was of a lighter complexion, the controversy would have been nonexistent.

It kinda sucks that Kim Kimble couldn't do the same conceptual shoot that many stylists do without being labeled a slave.

And its sad that it always comes from us

But... we're so fucked up as a people. I'll continue to think that until its all over and done with.



i just want all humans to die

there i said it