Omg. Underwater (movie) is fucking AWFUL but mainly boring

Started by BAPHOMET., April 21, 2020, 02:54:52 AM

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It's almost over and NOTHING has happened. I'm legit not lying. 


I am AMAZED @ how dark this is. But the tone but it's LITERALLY pitch black and I get it.... they are far underwater where there is no light but come the fuck ON. It's not even scary because these actors are TRASH. 



Bentley. HARRIS!


OMG thank you, I was about to rent the mess at lunch :dead:

Bentley. HARRIS!

ok so.. why do they keep casting this boring ass bitch
i'm pissed, another good concept wasted on a trash actress
am I the only one who thinks she was unbearable to watch even in Twilight  :uhh:


No she's terrible

She was somewhat decent in the Charlie's Angels remake

She actually had a personality 



It was awful... left the room to do other stuff and let my fiancĂ© finish it on his own.  :uhh: