Coco Jones Covers 'Full Moon'

Started by Summertime, June 12, 2023, 06:06:11 PM

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Everything was fire except her vocals.


It would have been dope if they got Brandy to rerecord this updated version.


Justice Jackson

I liked it but she definitely should have brought her A game to cover a legend.. It was a little messy and she was too busy trying to be cute
Ketanji Jackson has come this far by faith.

Ketanji Brown will still beatcho ass.



June 14, 2023, 02:25:42 PM #21 Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 02:27:04 PM by BrandonBranlee
All this Brandy love is so cool but at the same time, the real Brandy is still around here somewhere. Maybe she should release some music that has the energy she used to give? I know making music is hard but damn I miss TBIM, TAOL, What about Us, Full Moon, RH(D) Brandy.


This just showed why Brandy's voice is so special. It takes the right tone to make these verses really POP. it's not really challenging to hit the notes but the textures she added and the way she held notes and added vibrato really set the mood. Coco is just singing the notes