wait... why do i care? z

Started by yekim, May 03, 2016, 10:14:19 PM

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im 27, this is a message board. you're randos on a computer screen. fuck this :kii:

this isn't me leaving, this is me just doing my thing. if I wanna log in once in a blue moon and post a couple of things so be it, but im not living for this shit anymore like some of yall.

I had a good run, 12 years gallivanting on these servers stanning for ghan, but i was younger then, that's what you're meant to do. smh. i got better things to do when i go to bed on a night than sit on here arguing with words typed from the other side of the world. because when you say it like that.... :dead:

let me read a book, educate myself, watch a film, chat to a friend, pour a glass of wine... SLEEP! fff

i kinda really have to just... go now. right now. this is so dumb. i have been so dumb. I AM DUMB. omg. im so fucking dumb. it really aint that serious :kii:

so this is psychotic breakdown number...? 437? fff maybe, if that's what you gorls wanna call it. i just call it being done with this chapter now.

theres obviously something about bsource that makes you wanna keep coming back (i know some of yall get that lol) i mean, some of yall are funny as fuck and its fun to read and have a chuckle before bed. that's what brings me here, cos its honestly some funny as shit said on this board. but that's really just about all it should be. a chuckle before bed. lemme ghost from now on :dead:

rip this thread to shreds gorls, have at it, say your worst. afterall, this is all for entertainment. this isn't real. none of it is. its fantasy. nothing on here should make anybody feel ANYTHING other than enjoyment. because that's the point of this board, to have fun with likeminded people!

when it gets deep, that's when you realize its gotten a bit serious and a bit weird. and that's when you have to listen to the age old saying "you don't know who the fuck you're talking to on the internet!". and aint that the motherfucking truth. sums it up really :dead:

may this 'community' (oh my god ha) continue to thrive, for brandy's sake.





Nyan Cat




more ramblings from a pathetic insecure racist faggot

Nyan Cat


fff these paragraphs
take care


Thought this was gonna be praise for this:

[youtube autoplay=1 start=69][/youtube]

Good luck to ya! tho.


Quote from: Francois Lite on May 03, 2016, 10:30:58 PM
Thought this was gonna be praise for this:

[youtube autoplay=1 start=69][/youtube]

Good luck to ya! tho.


I was singing it in my head when I saw the thread title.


Emotions all over the place, wig strands strewn everywhere, panties in a bunch.

Sounds like a typical weekday on 'source to me.

Happy Tuesday, ya'll!