So Ariana Grande album hasnt leaked yet right?

Started by Wtv, May 19, 2016, 03:53:20 PM

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crazy how just one day away from its release none has leaked it.

are things improving about the leaks? or is it just lack of hype around this particular album? no kidding, what do u think?

King steevy

leaked yesterday... and i'ts on itunes in some countries.


Opposites Attract.


She damn near put the whole album on iTunes

It's unconditional, these days you know....


I didn't realise how much of the album i'd already heard n

It's a cute Urban/Pop album. I don't know if it's better than the last one or i'm just coming around to her music a bit more.


oh, so it leaked. ok. I read on another board that none could find it, lol.
will give it a listen


Nyan Cat