Video Shows Donald Trump Joking About Dating A Young Girl When She Gets Older

Started by BAPHOMET., October 13, 2016, 04:12:51 AM

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Donald Trump, his campaign reeling from new allegations he groped women and from the release of an audio clip featuring him bragging about sexual assault, once joked about dating a 10-year-old girl when she?s older, according to footage obtained Wednesday by CBS News.

Trump made the remarks about the child during a 1992 appearance on an ?Entertainment Tonight? Christmas special. In the clip, Trump asks an adolescent girl if she was going up an elevator, then tells the camera: ?I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it??

He would have been 46 at the time.

The comments echo those Trump has made about his daughter, Ivanka, including his assertions that if she weren?t his daughter he?d ?be dating her.?

The Trump camp has been on the defensive and uncharacteristically apologetic (kind of) after The Washington Post on Friday published a 2005 recording in which Trump bragged about groping women.

?You know I?m automatically attracted to beautiful ― I just start kissing them,? Trump said to ?Access Hollywood?s? Billy Bush. ?It?s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don?t even wait.?

?And when you?re a star, they let you do it,? Trump continued. ?You can do anything.?

Trump has denied he acted on what he calls  ?locker room banter? and apologized. Bush, who egged Trump on, is set to leave the ?Today Show? after a fierce public outcry and suspension from NBC.

Despite Trump?s denial, The New York Times on Wednesday published an account from two women who say the business magnate touched them inappropriately. One woman said he kissed her outside an elevator at Trump Tower ?directly on the mouth? in 2005. Another said he grabbed her breasts during a flight to New York more than 30 years ago.

?He was like an octopus,? the woman, Jessica Leeds, told the newspaper.

A third woman, Mindy McGillivray, accused Trump of groping her at his Mar-a-Lago resort in 2003, according to an article published by the The Palm Beach Post shortly after the Times article appeared.

Editor?s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ? 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ? from entering the U.S.


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More and more of these are going to pop up leading into the next debate and election in November. I am not sure why Republicans didn't do their research on this nutcase. He has managed to insult everyone at some point in time. The party will never be able to live down the fact that they decided Trump was the best possible candidate.


As much as I'm loving watching him crumble, it's so disturbing to think he was able to get this far. I'm sure the U.S. looks like a joke to the rest of the world

❄️☃️🌨� Shuji Feels Different 🌨�☃️❄️

Quote from: Real on October 13, 2016, 08:50:07 AM
As much as I'm loving watching him crumble, it's so disturbing to think he was able to get this far. I'm sure the U.S. looks like a joke to the rest of the world

Yeah. We're all cackling at you guys :roflmao:. Even the broke ass countries  :welllol:


Quote from: Shuji Shuriken on October 13, 2016, 08:52:50 AM
Quote from: Real on October 13, 2016, 08:50:07 AM
As much as I'm loving watching him crumble, it's so disturbing to think he was able to get this far. I'm sure the U.S. looks like a joke to the rest of the world

Yeah. We're all cackling at you guys :roflmao:. Even the broke ass countries  :welllol:


Quote from: Shuji Shuriken on October 13, 2016, 08:52:50 AM
Quote from: Real on October 13, 2016, 08:50:07 AM
As much as I'm loving watching him crumble, it's so disturbing to think he was able to get this far. I'm sure the U.S. looks like a joke to the rest of the world

Yeah. We're all cackling at you guys :roflmao:. Even the broke ass countries  :welllol:



Quote from: Real on October 13, 2016, 08:50:07 AM
As much as I'm loving watching him crumble, it's so disturbing to think he was able to get this far. I'm sure the U.S. looks like a joke to the rest of the world