"Wicked" is coming to the BIG SCREEN in 2016!

Started by Mel., November 01, 2015, 07:28:23 PM

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Wicked Movie Gets A 2016 Release Date, But Can It Live Up To The Musical?

The Wicked movie announcement came on the heels of Into The Woods' release, as producer Marc Platt revealed that yes, we will be seeing Wicked on the big screen uh... at some point.

"The process of developing that movie has begun, we?re working on it, and whether it makes 2016 or not, I?m not so sure."
"2016 is the goal, but I don?t know whether we?ll make that goal or not. We will make the movie, but like I said, the bar is really high. We?re going to scrutinise our work on the screenplay and our prep on the movie, and when we feel like it?s ready, okay. We?re not going to shoot a release date is what I?m saying. It?s in the works, it?s not in a rush. It took 27 years to make Into the Woods into a film from its original stage production, and 30 years with Les Mis. Some things take time for a reason."

So what can we expect to see from the film? The music will definitely be included, though not all songs will feature in the film: with a shorter run time, most movie musical adaptations cut the weaker pieces to make time for the big numbers. Defying Gravity, naturally, will be the movie's high note. But if you're hoping for Idina Menzel to belt out the showstopping number, prepare to be disappointed...

Menzel & Chenoworth Rejected

Wicked catapulted Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoworth to fame: the original Elphaba and Galinda, the actresses went on to star in several TV and film productions.
Earlier this year, Menzel revealed that both she and Chenoworth received some disappointing news about their role in the upcoming film.

"I would die to be in [the movie], except I?m afraid Kristin and I? they told us we?re a little over the age for that."
Joking about the possibility of playing Elphaba's mother, the actress made it clear that she's grateful for the critical acclaim of her musical role.

"If I could be a part of it in some way, that would be great. But I already feel like I received ? and continue to receive ? the gifts from Wicked and how it affects audiences."

Ultimately, the Wicked musical is primed for a big screen adaptation: it's glossy, it's fun, it's got a killer soundtrack and a fantastic story. Whether the film can live up to the hype remains to be seen, but at least we know they're taking the time to get it right!


boring story

Into the Woods was kind of a letdown