Loni is fucking disgusting. And an embarrassment

Started by herbie, September 23, 2019, 08:33:21 PM

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Not her recommending that they got a Black girl with "longer hair" as proper representation :uhh:

Does she even realize what she's saying? Or is she just fucking stupid?

People unknowingly(?) reinforcing the same standards of beauty that their fake "woke" asses spend day and night on Twitter "fighting" for clicks, likes and you go girl!'s


DayTime Teatime called her out today . Rightfully fucking so.

Just hand the bitch some watermelon and a fried chicken leg to complete the whole damn look

Her comments start at 10:20

Freemala Harris

Internalized misogynoir

I'm outraged owt 



well... Loni is a retarded APE and a white mans whore


Quote from: miss independent on September 23, 2019, 08:52:47 PM


Not her saying that the non-Black kids had "stylists" to make their hair look messy
but the Black girl didn't

Where the FUCK did you get that from you dumb bitch :plzstop: :plzstop:

You're basically saying their hair still looks stylish and has an element of glamour even in its messy state.