Brian McKnight Responds To Backlash Over His Relationship w/ His Other Children

Started by M-Rocka, May 12, 2023, 08:39:38 AM

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It just becomes adults blaming other people for their own bad decisions. It's not acceptable in any manner. Time to be men (or women) and take control of your life. Time to stop just expecting things to be handed over to you. When they are 50 and saying the same shit..:



it's really disgusting that, as a grown man and father, he would take obvious shots at his own kids online. like, if you don't have a relationship with them that's fine. but why antagonize them on social media? THAT'S what he's, rightfully, being dragged for.




Makes a lot of sense. Dragging his name because they want their bills paid until they are in a damn senior citizen home.


Quote from: Gilgamesh. on May 13, 2023, 05:41:52 AM"Hugged up on BlackPink" has me in shambles :plzstop: 

I'm not coming in here no more

Purple Moon

Quote from: stranger in moscow on May 13, 2023, 02:05:07 PM
Quote from: Ulysses on May 13, 2023, 01:52:31 PM
Quote from: alien superstar on May 13, 2023, 12:39:17 PM
Quote from: Ulysses on May 13, 2023, 12:02:45 PM
Quote from: ivorian oph on May 12, 2023, 02:42:23 PM
Quote from: Ulysses on May 12, 2023, 11:51:27 AMThose little brats still mad that Daddy isn't paying for them to live unemployed??

damn, ur daddy kinda BOPPED u out the house too huh
Naw. Went to college, found my career, bought my first house at 24 and have been independent since. You know, how things SHOULD go  :unsure:
sounds like u had a family which instilled the importance of responsibility and personal accountability in you early on

Which is awesome .

However , Brian admittedly spoiled his kids to the point where the only life they knew was effortless luxury

Then... he cut them off.

So this again goes back to his actions and inactions as a parent and how he raised his children.

I'm sure it was easier for him to just shower them with gifts and money when they were younger instead of introducing them the word "no" and putting in the work it takes to show them that things in life do not and will not come easy.

It was easier then , and when they got older and did not snap out of what HE put them in fast enough for him, he tossed them.

Granted , they were adults at the
Time so it was well within his right to cut off all funds

But I'm sure that, considering what you've just laid out regarding your history and how early you got started making moves ... your family / parents wouldn't exactly agree with Brian's method of childhood parenting .

To not focus on teaching responsibility and accountability to a child as early as possible (especially when they're in a situation or environment where everything may SEEM to come very easy in life ) is to handicap them.

Hope that makes sense
Brian gave them plenty warning. They just kept leeching off him. He supported them long enough. There comes a time when it's time for responsibility
they didn't take him or his warnings seriously and honestly I can see why.

"Hey guys, didn't teach u anything about survival but surprise! Imma need u to learn it ASAP. U got a year to undo the 20 years of mess I've gotten you accustomed to. Good luck!"

Ultimately they're adults and they clearly have no choice but to sink or swim but Brian himself admitted he misstepped as a parent when it came to how he raised them in that sense .

You don't raise spoiled brats and expect everything to be uno reversed whenever you're bored with playing Santa every day
ok but why are you going above and beyond to defend spoiled rich brats? I think its cool they got cut off and have to make their own money tbh.
Must be a purple moon, feel like one of those nights...

united nations

Quote from: BrandySavedMyLife on May 14, 2023, 08:58:42 PM
Quote from: stranger in moscow on May 13, 2023, 02:05:07 PM
Quote from: Ulysses on May 13, 2023, 01:52:31 PM
Quote from: alien superstar on May 13, 2023, 12:39:17 PM
Quote from: Ulysses on May 13, 2023, 12:02:45 PM
Quote from: ivorian oph on May 12, 2023, 02:42:23 PM
Quote from: Ulysses on May 12, 2023, 11:51:27 AMThose little brats still mad that Daddy isn't paying for them to live unemployed??

damn, ur daddy kinda BOPPED u out the house too huh
Naw. Went to college, found my career, bought my first house at 24 and have been independent since. You know, how things SHOULD go  :unsure:
sounds like u had a family which instilled the importance of responsibility and personal accountability in you early on

Which is awesome .

However , Brian admittedly spoiled his kids to the point where the only life they knew was effortless luxury

Then... he cut them off.

So this again goes back to his actions and inactions as a parent and how he raised his children.

I'm sure it was easier for him to just shower them with gifts and money when they were younger instead of introducing them the word "no" and putting in the work it takes to show them that things in life do not and will not come easy.

It was easier then , and when they got older and did not snap out of what HE put them in fast enough for him, he tossed them.

Granted , they were adults at the
Time so it was well within his right to cut off all funds

But I'm sure that, considering what you've just laid out regarding your history and how early you got started making moves ... your family / parents wouldn't exactly agree with Brian's method of childhood parenting .

To not focus on teaching responsibility and accountability to a child as early as possible (especially when they're in a situation or environment where everything may SEEM to come very easy in life ) is to handicap them.

Hope that makes sense
Brian gave them plenty warning. They just kept leeching off him. He supported them long enough. There comes a time when it's time for responsibility
they didn't take him or his warnings seriously and honestly I can see why.

"Hey guys, didn't teach u anything about survival but surprise! Imma need u to learn it ASAP. U got a year to undo the 20 years of mess I've gotten you accustomed to. Good luck!"

Ultimately they're adults and they clearly have no choice but to sink or swim but Brian himself admitted he misstepped as a parent when it came to how he raised them in that sense .

You don't raise spoiled brats and expect everything to be uno reversed whenever you're bored with playing Santa every day
ok but why are you going above and beyond to defend spoiled rich brats? I think its cool they got cut off and have to make their own money tbh.
its not about "defending spoiled brats".

thats a very simple way to look at and summarize everything i've said.

im holding brian, a man who who is on social media taunting and antagonizing his biological kids, accountable for the unreasonable expectations his kids now have which he claims drove him to disconnecting with them - that HE himself had a huge hand in contributing to.

this isn't a man who just cut his kids off financially and kept the love going. we're now talking about a man who not only cut his kids out of his bank account, but has made moves to act as if they don't even exist anymore. AND goes out of his way to poke at them by posting pics of kids that aren't even his.

so im not saying "omg give them more money! :stressed: ". im saying "grow the fuck up, take accountability for ur mess and be the parent/elder in this situation."

does that not make sense?
Grandma, grandpa, and their grandmas ❤️


Quote from: Jonovan on May 13, 2023, 03:22:08 PMHe accused his daughter of being with his cousin? wtf


I found that out yesterday


This is a mess


From 2024's Album of the Year, "Deeper Well"

Brandy's Unconditional Ocean

Pretending as if their issues with Brian are about finances is crazy if you don't know all the details. His daughter sued him because he accused her of sucking family dick



I remember his sons used to be on Periscope a lot. They sing downe.