Lews intervention!!!!

Started by GLOCK, March 16, 2016, 03:48:31 PM

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Quote from: Vonc2002 on March 17, 2016, 06:37:10 PM
Quote from: Young on March 17, 2016, 06:28:50 PM
Quote from: TheNextLew on March 17, 2016, 06:01:44 PM
Quote from: Young on March 17, 2016, 04:53:30 PM
I'm glad you guys are seeing it.

It's a weird honestly Lew.. :(

Its weird to defend someone u dont even know as well

But if im getting dragged u all in agreement and whatnot

U dont even knkw who the hell. Mel is

Except his screename

Its weird honestly young

To the point that we are in an appreciation thread and you felt the need to tell people that what THEY felt about Mel was wrong. Lew what the fuck is wrong with that picture? You dont see that as bitter?

:dead: :dead: :dead:
things like this are why i think he's weird tbh. It's like he refuses to acknowledge or is oblivious to his very abnormal actions

Breaks my heart honestly


I always felt lEWW's constant bullying was because he imagines Mel to be worse off than him. That's why he's always mentioning Mel's age and skin tone.


Quote from: IMAAN on March 17, 2016, 07:17:58 PM
I always felt lEWW's constant bullying was because he imagines Mel to be worse off than him. That's why he's always mentioning Mel's age and skin tone.

this name


Quote from: Young on March 17, 2016, 06:28:50 PM
Quote from: TheNextLew on March 17, 2016, 06:01:44 PM
Quote from: Young on March 17, 2016, 04:53:30 PM
I'm glad you guys are seeing it.

It's a weird honestly Lew.. :(

Its weird to defend someone u dont even know as well

But if im getting dragged u all in agreement and whatnot

U dont even knkw who the hell. Mel is

Except his screename

Its weird honestly young


First off; Mel is a big girl and u dont see me searching for his threads to defend him. Thats number one. But if I see mess going down and I feel a way, I'll say something. Because 9 times out of 10 mel either didnt say anything to anyone or random girls will jump in and attempt to ping pong her wig around this server and that aint cute.

SECONDLY and most importantly, show me where Im jumping in to support a Lew dragging just because.
I dont roll that way and never have. And I find it quite offensive that you think I sit on this board and do that to you of all people when I offered my home to you (a stranger) on Thanksgiving because you had no where to go. I honestly would have been more than happy to pick you up from the airport and feed you and make sure you felt loved. So dont DEW me.

The issue I have with you on mel and what a lot of people are starting to see is you have some type of grudge against Mel. He does and says nothing to you yet you feel the need to come for him for no reason what so ever. To the point that we are in an appreciation thread and you felt the need to tell people that what THEY felt about Mel was wrong. Lew what the fuck is wrong with that picture? You dont see that as bitter?
Do you want a Lew appreciation thread or something? If you have an issue with Mel or dont care for him then this would have been the perfect time to pay this thread dust or just post a simple "n" to show how you felt and kept it moving. But No, you felt the need to make rebuttals for each and every post someone made about him. Lew thats pressed, bitter and unbecoming.

and what i HONESTLY feel your issue is with Mel is you think he's similar to you but doesnt display it on the board. You want him to be fat, dark, poor, and obsessive over naive innocent men (much like your life stories. no shade.) But instead you see him say he looks like something completely different and lives a comfortable life and for SOME ODD reason that rubs you the wrong way. Hun live YOUR life and stop trying to brings others down for no reason. Especially ones who dont care for you or to speak to you either. IF, and IF what Mel says about himself is all falacies; who the fuck cares???? ITs the INTERNET. Why does it bother you so much?? Hes not on here saying I shit on you gorls, you could never etc. The boy minds his business and you somehow always find a way to find his posts and bully him. Its pathetic looking babe.

and Lewla i didnt type all this for nothing. I want you to RECEIVE this hun



I'm sorr' but Lew just seems so miserable. That's why he attracts DRUGGIES and BUMS!


Sorr' cant stay. Michael B Jordan and Odell finally want to mess


Quote from: IMAAN on March 17, 2016, 07:17:58 PM
I always felt lEWW's constant bullying was because he imagines Mel to be worse off than him. That's why he's always mentioning Mel's age and skin tone.

no shade cuz i like lew but yeah.

Mel is funny as hell. I love his confidence 


Quote from: Baphomet. on March 17, 2016, 07:24:08 PM
Sorr' cant stay. Michael B Jordan and Odell finally want to mess

Faggot Odell is mine, get back here


Mikael Kendricks just asked me to munch his cakes on insta brb



Quote from: Sirius Black on March 17, 2016, 07:37:03 PM
Quote from: Nine on March 17, 2016, 06:35:43 PM
Quote from: Sirius Black on March 17, 2016, 06:29:15 PM

I'm praying
no need to pray

the ass whopping's coming hun


I'm on my way to whoop yours faggot


I'm right outside the Burger King u work at hun

Am ready when u are

Lane Bryant Jumpsuit

Quote from: Vonc2002 on March 17, 2016, 06:25:02 PM
Quote from: TheNextLew on March 17, 2016, 05:58:48 PM
Quote from: Vonc2002 on March 17, 2016, 05:01:22 PM
Quote from: Young on March 17, 2016, 04:53:30 PM
I'm glad you guys are seeing it.

It's a weird honestly Lew.. :(
Im sorry but it is.  I wasn't gonna bring myself up but since he did,  he has done the same thing to me.  He randomly concocts something and then tries to paint this picture that he somehow, without any real foundation, believes to be true. It's why ive called him weird from the beginning,  and he thinks his actions are normal.  It wreaks of insecurity and an inner conflict.

Do u have an example ?

Just like ur convinced that because u didnt like the job i worked or didnt think the degree i held was good enough or because i weng thru a few hardships
That i was just hating my life and and mad or whTever and when i tell u im fine with it and i actually feel pretty positive and satisfied with things u still continue to paint the picture u want about my life
See and this is why ur weird and delusional imo. Lets call a spade a spade, u have an associates degree and are 30 and work at pizza hut, thats not success by ANYONE'S standards. U have to resort to living with bums and drug abusers. I DON'T FEEL THAT UR HAPPY, but if by some miracle u are then so be it.  No one here would question it,  cause honestly no one really gives a fck. A happy person wouldn't come online trying to find flaws and diagnosis someone they've never met.  Like, if he is lying and all those things u say he is,  WHO CARES!?! No one seems hell bent on making it their sole purpose to call him out but u, and that is indicative of ur own inner demons. U come on here trying to call another mufucka out then yea ur gonna get the same shit back. If u wouldn't address me and try to maufacture these stories and theories,  i wouldn't even address u tbh. I feel sorry for u quite honestly

thats just your opinion just like its mine that im doing great
im not manufacturing anything i dont see how pointing out a lie here or there or a a point where someone was hypocritical means i have demons yeah supposedly no one cares about anything and its not that deep at the end of the day but im not stopping what im doing for anyone else and neither is anyone esle here i mean....
i dont HAVE to do anything i do not want to do if i want to work at pizza HUT because i like it then fine
if i want to have a roomate then FINE if i want to delay my degree a bit then fine as you say who cares cause if i wasnt satified with where i was i would be making strides to change it  which i have the ability to do soooooo
its only your opinion that "its not good enough its only your perspective that im miserable its only your viewpoint that im whatever else you can conjure up

so dont act like im the one making delusional fantasy worlds when your doing the same thing in regards to where i should be and how i should feel

Lewie D Im Caramel Bitches Ion Wanna hear Im Actin