Batman v Superman was better than Avengers lmao!

Started by Zankou., March 26, 2016, 03:21:41 PM

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so bad the studio is already posting deleted scenes to help people make sense of the garbage they just saw.

smh :stressed:


Quote from: emzen on March 28, 2016, 04:11:16 PM
omg this movie :stressed: :stressed: :stressed:

it was so fucking bad wtf

Quote from: emzen on March 28, 2016, 04:12:49 PM
so bad the studio is already posting deleted scenes to help people make sense of the garbage they just saw.

smh :stressed:

:loose2when: Oh no.


Quote from: GRAND SUPREME DIETRICH III on March 28, 2016, 01:54:18 PM
Quote from: Baphomet. on March 28, 2016, 01:50:41 PM
Flash is literally one of the worst shows I've ever had he displeasure of seeing.

its not that bad.... i just feel like if i were 12, i'd be in love

its TOO virginal and childlike  :uhh: :uhh: :uhh:

tbh. Its a bit too PG.


Yeah I watched a snippet of Flash and I was disgusted tbh



Supergirl and Flash crossover today on Supergirl!!

DC really set this up nice


Quote from: Young on March 28, 2016, 02:00:18 PM

Flash slays tho

It's cheesy as fuck the timeline universe thing trips me out every time

I love it. Arrow is dark and gives what Batman would give on TV with his crew of crime fighting sidekicks

DC Legends is LIFE. All those heroes with different stories. Omfff

The time travel and past lives mess; epic

and that's cause DC sticks to comics minus  Supergirl where Jimmy Olsen is a black man with a chisel body who likes to be called James  :ermm:


Quote from: GRAND SUPREME DIETRICH III on March 27, 2016, 10:00:23 AM
Quote from: Saturn. on March 27, 2016, 09:14:52 AM
Quote from: GRAND SUPREME DIETRICH III on March 27, 2016, 06:35:30 AM
Everyone on my timeline says this is trash

Grow up and form your own opinion bitch
yelling at me won't bring charmed back FAGGOT

Those girls caught aids and DIED. It wasn't die to ratings. They LIED!

:feelinmyself: :feelinmyself:


It was way too long but not bad. Wonder Woman and that theme music gave me chills. She was the best part.


i honestly left about 45 minutes in. couldn't do it

and since when does Batman use guns to shoot people? disgusting movie. That over the top character playing Lex luthor's son was more annoying than anything, though. DEAD @ them showing him more than the main damn heroes


Quote from: BOOM! on March 26, 2016, 05:12:42 PM
Just got done seeing it and I agree. Tho, I expect Civil War to lash this.

Bat' vs Sup' was slow in some parts and took to long to get to the 1 on 1 showdown. Ben was convincing enough as Batman and so was Eisenberg as Lex Luthor but I didn't care for this edgy new Alfred. Since when did Alfred participate in making gadgets for Batman?
As for Gal Gadot? Anyone who was mad about her being chosen for Wonder Woman, won't be after seeing it. She did a good job.

I loved the ending at the funeral with Bruce & Diana. Makes me anticipate the eventual Justice League movie.

Overall, it was cute. I'm still a Marvel gorl...LOLz
And little things like Alfred being young and SPRY, along with Bruce wayne serving him coffee ... ch. Just NO


Quote from: Stage on March 26, 2016, 07:01:37 PM
this movie wasn't good lol. long as hell for no reason. lex was like the joker without the face
and the guy was overacting IMO. whatever he was trying to do (the creepy eccentric thing) or whatever, just didn't
quite come through at ALL


Quote from: Angel In Disguise on March 27, 2016, 01:34:00 PM
But, I don't know how people could love The Dark Knight movies and hate this.  It's in the same vein.
Because they actually executed  :dead: this was a poor mans, extremely watered down version

a shame they spent so much money on it.