Member Appreciation: Talisa (lis, Ci Stan, Bey Stan, aspiring actress)

Started by GLOCK, April 02, 2016, 01:40:55 PM

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Just so we're maintaining a healthy balance of sorts....we will praise members and uplift them! 🎈

If you enter please state positive things about this member ...

Anyway.. Please say nice things about talisa!
No mess will be tolerated and could ruin ur chances of receiving a similar thread!

Let's go!


Nyan Cat


o no
this thread gonna be craz'

but shes luvly!
she alway luv ci wit me
shes hilar' dfndndnd
go tal'!



A real knowledgable and funny person. Talisa knows about a wide array of topics and can really discuss ANYTHING and I love people like that. Sweet when she wants to be and i've experienced it more than once

Brit Brat


I used to anticipate and LIVE for her returns on the old board. She's like Georgina Sparks to Gossip Girl. Always added LIFE to the board when things were getting a bit dry. :dead:

Hell, lets just add Talisa to RHOA.





One of the funniest people I've encountered EVER. On and offline. There have been SO many legendary moments I'll never forget over the years that she was involved with  :dead: :dead: :dead: many of which happened here

But obviously she stans for queens so there's an everlasting love in regards to that

and outside of that, she's intelligent, hilarious, and surprisingly NOT as evil as she seems.

That's my sis for life :ohwow:

Pearls Khan

Beautiful spirit. Robust and jus full of life. ❤


I love you guys dearly. Even my camel lights sis that came in and threw shade :stressed: there's a true family on this board.


 Lis :wub:

I can remember seeing  her crazy ass draggin the girls in the youtube comments  back in like 06 as "Ciaralovingfan" :kii: She's probaby the most loyal stan I ever witnessed. Outside of being hilarious and evil,  I'm gld to have known her for so long and getting the chance to see her softer side at some points. She's really a sweet girl :stressed: