I'm voting Hilary in November (Bill Clinton gathers Black Lives Matter)

Started by Opposites Attract., April 08, 2016, 09:38:04 AM

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Opposites Attract.

He told not one lie. Black Lives need to matter to Black People. You can't go hard for White on Black then give a "Oh systematic racism" "Reagan!" as the reason for blacks killing other blacks. Yes every races kills each other but we are a minority race. Our numbers are higher because we're only 13% of the population in America. If they wanna tackle the system, they need to put more energy into getting people involved in the community and going to vote not just presidential elections but local elections as well. That's why I can't get down with them. There's no organization. They keep crashing people's events like it's going to do something. They aren't real advocates to me. They are attention seekers. Real advocates make change. Where are the TRUE activists? The Leaders? The MLK of our time? I think black people are looking at Obama to fill the void and he can't, he's the president of the USA. We keep looking for him to do something. When in fact, we should be inspired to step up to the plate and lead! He can't do everything.

Sorry for the rant but this has been heavy on my heart for a while.

It's unconditional, these days you know....


You falling for the okie doke... This is pretty much the same shit he said in the 90's when he passed that bill that led to even more mass incarcerations and blacks bought it. Oh how history repeats itself.


This would be all and well if The Clinton's and others didn't completely ignore the systematic issues that created the environment that those "super predators" survive in. You can't keep a group of people within poverty, deny them resources, introduce them to highly addictive drugs, and then supply them with guns (through easy access) and then hide your hand as if you didn't create the monster.


BLM and numerous organizations do advocate against gun violence within their respective communities
I think the beauty of it all is that there is no monolithic leader, everyone can advocate and join a movement
Hillary is a fuckin liar love.


Quote from: Kurama on April 08, 2016, 10:27:46 AM
This would be all and well if The Clinton's and others didn't completely ignore the systematic issues that created the environment that those "super predators" survive in. You can't keep a group of people within poverty, deny them resources, introduce them to highly addictive drugs, and then supply them with guns (through easy access) and then hide your hand as if you didn't create the monster.


BLM and numerous organizations do advocate against gun violence within their respective communities
I think the beauty of it all is that there is no monolithic leader, everyone can advocate and join a movement
Hillary is a fuckin liar love.

Opposites Attract.

Quote from: Kurama on April 08, 2016, 10:27:46 AM
This would be all and well if The Clinton's and others didn't completely ignore the systematic issues that created the environment that those "super predators" survive in. You can't keep a group of people within poverty, deny them resources, introduce them to highly addictive drugs, and then supply them with guns (through easy access) and then hide your hand as if you didn't create the monster.


BLM and numerous organizations do advocate against gun violence within their respective communities
I think the beauty of it all is that there is no monolithic leader, everyone can advocate and join a movement
Hillary is a fuckin liar love.

But here's the we know what happened so what is being done to combat the issue? I keep hearing oh they did this and that, excuses. Then again, we were conditioned to do this. Through slavery, our mentality. It's hard to change something that's been instilled in people for hundreds of years.

I'm just tired of hearing what whitie did or didn't do. Why whites are killing blacks in the forefront when we need to be our focus. How can we seek change when we can't even come together as a group? I disagree that we don't need a leader because there is just no organization amongst the current crop of folk. Slaves escaping to freedom had a leader. The Civil and Equal Rights movement had a leader, Woman's rights had a leader. To get things done there needs to be someone to unify us all. Everyone on different agendas isn't gonna get anything done. Hence why we're are still dealing with the issues that our ancestors faced, today. In 2016.

It's unconditional, these days you know....


Quote from: Thi?rry. on April 08, 2016, 11:55:52 AM
Quote from: Kurama on April 08, 2016, 10:27:46 AM
This would be all and well if The Clinton's and others didn't completely ignore the systematic issues that created the environment that those "super predators" survive in. You can't keep a group of people within poverty, deny them resources, introduce them to highly addictive drugs, and then supply them with guns (through easy access) and then hide your hand as if you didn't create the monster.


BLM and numerous organizations do advocate against gun violence within their respective communities
I think the beauty of it all is that there is no monolithic leader, everyone can advocate and join a movement
Hillary is a fuckin liar love.

But here's the we know what happened so what is being done to combat the issue? I keep hearing oh they did this and that, excuses. Then again, we were conditioned to do this. Through slavery, our mentality. It's hard to change something that's been instilled in people for hundreds of years.

I'm just tired of hearing what whitie did or didn't do. Why whites are killing blacks in the forefront when we need to be our focus. How can we seek change when we can't even come together as a group? I disagree that we don't need a leader because there is just no organization amongst the current crop of folk. Slaves escaping to freedom had a leader. The Civil and Equal Rights movement had a leader, Woman's rights had a leader. To get things done there needs to be someone to unify us all. Everyone on different agendas isn't gonna get anything done. Hence why we're are still dealing with the issues that our ancestors faced, today. In 2016.

I just told you what is being done. BLM is a fairly new org/movement. There have literally been thousands of organizations throughout the years within different environments that seek to better Black communities. It's so strange to me that people seem to completely ignore so many individuals who have spent their lives working to serve their communities and issues that plague them simply because there is no news coverage. Im sure you if you were to do research on orgs in your own community and the histories of them my aforementioned points would be proven.

Whites kill other whites more than anyone else as well. Are you folks who adhere to this rhetoric just as critical about their efforts to stop violence in their communities?

I think the BLM agenda is pretty apparent. Challenge political leaders with problematic tendencies or even those without to make sure that they understand that there's a very real issue with race and various disparities within this country. I love that there are so many who challenge everyone in power. Seems to be pretty effective to me. Seems that people are bothered that BLM has challenged the Clinton's tbh. Although they did the same with Bern, he just responded drastically different.

I think our ancestors definitely had it worse. Even during renaissance eras when Black unity thrived economically(Black wall street) and socially; this came to an end and it wasn't the result of other Black people. We are still dealing with racism and other oppressive factors for the same reasons though, but as you mentioned you dont care for the "oh whitey" thing but that's the only common thread im seeing so...

Opposites Attract.

Whites kill other whites more than anyone else as well. Are you folks who adhere to this rhetoric just as critical about their efforts to stop violence in their communities?

Why would that be a concern of a black person?

and I've definitely done my research. I'm aware of my efforts in my own community but the fact still stands that when there is black on black there is little to no public mainstream outrage from our black leaders. Where are the public protest for the deaths of those killed by someone of the same skin?

It's unconditional, these days you know....

Opposites Attract.

and I'm definitely not excusing anything the majority did to oppress blacks but it's time to be held for accountability. Blacks, as with any race are their own worst enemy.

It bothers me everytime someone says "well everyone does" as if that's supposed to make it acceptable.

It's unconditional, these days you know....


Quote from: Thi?rry. on April 08, 2016, 12:16:02 PM
Whites kill other whites more than anyone else as well. Are you folks who adhere to this rhetoric just as critical about their efforts to stop violence in their communities?

Why would that be a concern of a black person?

and I've definitely done my research. I'm aware of my efforts in my own community but the fact still stands that when there is black on black there is little to no public mainstream outrage from our black leaders. Where are the public protest for the deaths of those killed by someone of the same skin?

Again just because it's not nationally televised doesn't mean people haven't been doing the work.

I hate work today Marg, so I have time.

Opposites Attract.

Quotebecause it's not nationally televised doesn't mean people haven't been doing the work.

That's what I'm saying though. It needs to be an equal amount of mainstream and groundwork.

And some of the pics you chose are from not related to black on black crime.

It's unconditional, these days you know....



Boiiii people can't force WHITE owned news companies to cover and divulge that information.

How so? I see Blk ppl against gun violence (crimes) in their communities.


Quote from: Thi?rry. on April 08, 2016, 12:28:33 PM
Quotebecause it's not nationally televised doesn't mean people haven't been doing the work.

That's what I'm saying though.

nah, you said that they weren't happening and now you're saying that they need to be publicized, which tells me you didn't do much research on this and pretty much assumed that a response to violence within our own community doesn't exist.


Quote from: Kurama on April 08, 2016, 10:27:46 AM
Hillary is a fuckin liar love.


But good luck in the race and stuff.


and this is crazy af coming from clinton seeing as he ignored his own administration's advice over the crime bill, nafta, rwanda etc; him and wife has been aiding poverty and suffering for decades but "woo preach bill!"