So non Beyonc? fans/stans! How y'all feel about "Lemonade"?

Started by GLOCK, April 24, 2016, 10:32:30 AM

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I can relate to the material this go round. I guess that's a good thing, but It doesn't make me want to listen to these songs much.


Quote from: Drais. on April 24, 2016, 11:52:08 AM
I don't think all cheaters purposely seek out mess. Maybe they've disconnected from their partner, grown apart, don't spend enough time together, don't communicate etc. It can make you lean towards another person.

Exactly right


Quote from: Drais. on April 24, 2016, 12:03:48 PM
Quote from: Baphomet. on April 24, 2016, 11:59:36 AM
Ive been with my current  boyfriend for some years now. But i just couldnt even look at him the same if he cheated. Itd make me wsnt to get him back but what would that solve? Nothing tbh. What reallly is a relationship if there's no trust?

I do think you have some things to consider when you're married and have children. Its not as easy to up and break it off. It can become tricky. Especially with the whole divorce process.

But honestly once a cheater always one and putting up with someone like that isnt a normal thing and should just be accepted. I cant buy into that idea.


But bby look at it this way.

If your boyfriend was putting 100% into your relationship and you weren't would you really be surprised if he cheated don you. If you're focusing more on working and not focusing on spending time with him, communicating with him, making him feel appreciated, showing him affection, being intimate etc etc then I mean....

That'll definitely do some mess to him

Not that I've ever cheated, but I've seen the mess that leads up to it in other couples.


I kinda see your point. I just couldnt do it.

And if i was on the opposite end i'd just break it  off. If it got to that point.



I don't love it. But I don't hate it.
The songs themselves are good. I'm not a fan of some of her delivery on them tho. The rap-sing, grunts.
But I found 3 songs that were instant slayage "hold up, sorry, all night". Love them!!!!
The visuals help this album. "Love drought" and "sorry" we're my favorites. Not sure if I'll be thinking of the album by summer. But I will relisten and rewatch to get another sense of it. I may not be a Stan/fan but I respect Bey and usually enjoy most of her songs.
This is not my favorite Bey album. "4" >


Quote from: Herbie Sauce on April 24, 2016, 12:17:44 PM
Quote from: Kurama on April 24, 2016, 12:05:32 PM
I can relate to the material this go round. I guess that's a good thing, but It doesn't make me want to listen to these songs much.
fuck u.


Opposites Attract.

Quote from: Big Bertha on April 24, 2016, 10:37:14 AM
She's trying to give "artist" and I'm
Not buying it. Visuals, spoken word, etc. which she had no creative input in but to just show up

How can you even utter that? This Bitch has 100% creative control over the content she puts out. Like seriously you might wanna read up on Queen.

It's unconditional, these days you know....


April 24, 2016, 12:25:32 PM #128 Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 12:28:16 PM by Scott LeBeau
Ive watched a good part of it (by pieces here and there) and its such a cool idea to make an album movie and the whole work is excelent, no doubt

About the songs... I dont find them groundbreaking or stand outs, but... I like that it feels edgy, experimental and different from her most famous work (her hits and all), and the whole movie showed me a controversial, risky Beyonce, something that I definetly have to appreciate, give props. Its clear she has such a huge team behind with talented filmakers and creative minds, so this is mostly a team work, thats not new for us, she's much more than just one person, but.... I really give her props for doing something edgy, complex and artistic like this.

Opposites Attract.

Quote from: Francois Lite on April 24, 2016, 10:39:06 AM
It's my least fave of all her albums. Last night, I was underwhelmed but I'm listening to it more now and its really growing on me.

Best songs:
Hold Up
All Night
Love Drought
Daddy Lessons

The other songs are fine. Wouldnt call them fillers, but they aren't very strong. She coulda came harder. And the movie was boring as fuck with that damn Maya Angelou monologue between each songs.

One thing I must say is that I LOVE that these last 2 albums have been very personal. It makes me connect a lot more knowing the music is her.

Girl yout like 5 outta 12 songs. Sit you been a fan ass downe pit bull

It's unconditional, these days you know....



waiiit, now watching/hearing this country song in the middle, I love it! feels a bit out of context (soundwise) but I use hearing her doing a sound like this


well...i must admit it slayed and she kinda stepped out the box with this one! The vocals are there and she actually kinda emote on this Don't Hurt Yourself, Sandcastles, Hold Up, Pray You Catch Me and Forward (wish it was longer ugh) is what made me stan for her. However I deleted Formation cause that song still sucks to me so it took the bitch 10 years for her to get it right and me to buy another album from her again..I feel like a betray Rih bit listening to this album a bit tho cause Anti will be on the back burner for a hot minute ! Somehow her visuals always save her music that's why i didn't want to watch the album movie I just wanted to hear  the music and see if i could connected first which i did

Nyan Cat

Quote from: Kurama on April 24, 2016, 12:23:53 PM
Quote from: Herbie Sauce on April 24, 2016, 12:17:44 PM
Quote from: Kurama on April 24, 2016, 12:05:32 PM
I can relate to the material this go round. I guess that's a good thing, but It doesn't make me want to listen to these songs much.
fuck u.



Quote from: Rawlf on April 24, 2016, 12:23:52 PM
Not sure if I'll be thinking of the album by summer.

That's a pretty good point. I feel like I will like this album for a minute but it's definitely not very timeless. I'm sure I'll be done with it in a couple of months. Listened to it 4x already today and it's good. By my 4th listen tho, I started skipping some tracks. lol.