How did you grow up.. Poor, middle class, wealthy or rich? And did it affect

Started by GLOCK, July 01, 2016, 02:25:46 PM

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We grew up lower middle class, I dunno, I wouldn't say poor only because my parents worked very hard. I did eat syrup sandwiches tho very young, or days when I would eat and mom wouldn't. Didn't understand why.

They had a vision tho, I used to go sit outside the class while mama was in her college courses when she went back.
Somehow they managed to reach their goals and still allow us the opportunity to reach ours. We lived in the hood, but We moved to a home on the hills when I was young after it got too bad.

We all had to sacrifice when my older bro went off to school, but somehow all 4 of us managed to graduate college and even get graduate degrees. My folks are upper middle class now tho, they really did well and closed the gap and I hope to do the same in my life. As a ppl we were so behind, both my grandmothers couldn't read, grandfathers worked their asses off; but now over time my parents are business owners. I just hope I can continue and keep growing.

I identify best with ppl who have ambition and have a strong sense of motivation. I don't do well around ppl who are entitled, but also don't do well with ppl who are defeated and blame their surroundings for their current or future state.

I just learned to appreciate everything and everyone, I love ppl who don't take themselves too seriously which is why I joke in here all the time. All my closets friends are very humorous and all described as ppl with big hearts, if you don't reach back, you gotta pay it forward.



This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw



Quote from: ralfael on July 01, 2016, 02:40:52 PM
I've learned that being wealthy is relative.
If you're used to living on 500k salary, making 100k may seem daunting.
If you're used to living on a 20k salary, making 100k may be the fucking business.

Although there is the obvious poverty vs. rich spectrum.

Um, ultimately, money isn't everything - although a powerful tool.
But RESOURCES and EXPOSURE are everything.
And resources can come in many different ways.

Did you have caregivers who instilled education? That's a resource.
Were you taught to work, earn and manage your keep, no matter how rich or poor your family was? That's a resource.
It shapes who you are and what you end up doing later in life IF YOU PAY ATTENTION.



'Tanna I apologize in advance for ruining your thread.... just in case... I'm holding it in for now tho



oh & these stories...this board is fulla fckin soldiers <3

ofc none of ur journeys top mines

but im luvin tha story sharin


Quote from: 1Rig on July 01, 2016, 07:23:11 PM
Quote from: Nice Stereo. on July 01, 2016, 03:55:57 PM
Quote from: Zinc on July 01, 2016, 03:53:58 PM
Great thread Glock. Interesting stories.
sssssdd only to be used against everyone at some point. no ma'am

'remember that time you were living in the streets faggot?



Quote from: BENTLEY! on July 01, 2016, 07:23:52 PM
We grew up lower middle class, I dunno, I wouldn't say poor only because my parents worked very hard. I did eat syrup sandwiches tho very young, or days when I would eat and mom wouldn't. Didn't understand why.

They had a vision tho, I used to go sit outside the class while mama was in her college courses when she went back.
Somehow they managed to reach their goals and still allow us the opportunity to reach ours. We lived in the hood, but We moved to a home on the hills when I was young after it got too bad.

We all had to sacrifice when my older bro went off to school, but somehow all 4 of us managed to graduate college and even get graduate degrees. My folks are upper middle class now tho, they really did well and closed the gap and I hope to do the same in my life. As a ppl we were so behind, both my grandmothers couldn't read, grandfathers worked their asses off; but now over time my parents are business owners. I just hope I can continue and keep growing.

I identify best with ppl who have ambition and have a strong sense of motivation. I don't do well around ppl who are entitled, but also don't do well with ppl who are defeated and blame their surroundings for their current or future state.

I just learned to appreciate everything and everyone, I love ppl who don't take themselves too seriously which is why I joke in here all the time. All my closets friends are very humorous and all described as ppl with big hearts, if you don't reach back, you gotta pay it forward.

Love this.


Quote from: BENTLEY! on July 01, 2016, 07:41:26 PM
Quote from: ralfael on July 01, 2016, 02:40:52 PM
I've learned that being wealthy is relative.
If you're used to living on 500k salary, making 100k may seem daunting.
If you're used to living on a 20k salary, making 100k may be the fucking business.

Although there is the obvious poverty vs. rich spectrum.

Um, ultimately, money isn't everything - although a powerful tool.
But RESOURCES and EXPOSURE are everything.
And resources can come in many different ways.

Did you have caregivers who instilled education? That's a resource.
Were you taught to work, earn and manage your keep, no matter how rich or poor your family was? That's a resource.
It shapes who you are and what you end up doing later in life IF YOU PAY ATTENTION.

I don't be shading you boy.
So don't claim that later. Lol.






Quote from: BENTLEY! on July 01, 2016, 08:05:09 PM
Ralf you hurt my feelings earlier bby.

I'm sorry, was not my intention.

I don't why me telling you "Bent, enough".
Would cause u shade me right after. You knew what u were doing.
And so I had to finally address u, cause u've been taking shots for a little while now.