5 logical, simple reasons the average person should CONSIDER Flat Earth.

Started by KING BENTLEY., September 23, 2017, 11:32:26 AM

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Quote from: LORD GRAND SUPREME PRIME CELESTIAL MARSHALL on September 23, 2017, 12:43:50 PM
Quote from: ORORO MUNROE-UDAKU on September 23, 2017, 12:41:42 PM

I understand what you're saying.

but we also have to take into account scale

the globe earth they portray is indeed huge from a human scale.

The Earth curves at approximately 8 inches per mile, based on what they tell you

have you ever been in an airplane before?

it should be easy for you guys to prove a curve to me outside of the "the earth is too big to see it" argument.
well the earth is 24 thousand miles according to the globe model

That would be impossible to see from above only a few thousand feet up

How big is the earth in this flat theory? In miles
estimated 52,800 statute mile circumference, from many nautical studies. the oceans are huge. and the radius of the earth, from the northern centre to the farthest known southern circumference, estimated to be 5224 statute miles



Quote from: LORD GRAND SUPREME PRIME CELESTIAL MARSHALL on September 23, 2017, 12:51:26 PM
Quote from: The Brandy Barbie on September 23, 2017, 12:50:21 PM
So which continents are on the other side of the earth?  Are all the continents on one side? If so, then what's on the other side?  Why are there time zones?  Shouldn't everyone on one side of the earth see the sun rise at the same time?

I think the earth kinda... SLANTS once a day

A seesaw mess

I guess its like a convener belt.   :omgwatshappening:



September 23, 2017, 01:27:51 PM #33 Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 01:28:04 PM by LORD GRAND SUPREME PRIME CELESTIAL MARSHALL
Bow answer every question I asked Bentley


How large is the flat earth?
Is earth currently sinking in space?
Why is everything in the sky a sphere but earth?
What is on the edge of the planet?
Why is science lying about this?


This is the second time you cosigned the mess without inputting any thoughts


You know I can?t answer that. I?m merely listening but he?s making a better argument than the sphere earth gorls.

Buy The Stars✨

If the globe model didn't exist till the 14th century, what was it before ? Why did it change ? Maybe cause it was proven it was round ?


September 23, 2017, 01:57:23 PM #42 Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 01:57:40 PM by ORORO MUNROE-UDAKU
Quote from: TEXASbama on September 23, 2017, 01:46:39 PM
If the globe model didn't exist till the 14th century, what was it before ? Why did it change ? Maybe cause it was proven it was round ?
well all ancient societies, including their scientists and scholars, believed it was flat
all of the ancient signs pointing to astrological symbols come from those initial calculations.

when they said the sun moves through the sky, they meant literally

sunrise is basically the sun coming into our view
and sunset is sun leaving our view

it's perspective, which is why the sun looks slightly bigger at noon then at sunrise/set

thinking about it as if you're on a straight desert road.... assuming the headlights coming toward you are bright enough, they seem to come from under the horizon, get larger and then the tail lights do the reverse when traveling away from you

now image those headlights being thousands of times larger, and placed in the sky thousands of miles up.

as for why it changed. I honestly can't answer that. I personally feel like it was for better control of society.

the idea of a flat stationary earth has NEVER been disproven, they can't. That's the biggest misconception.



if we take the bible for what it is, and call it a compilation of the earliest accounts of recorded history

it kinda tells us how this place was set up :dead:

a light to rule the day
a light to rule the night

and they rotate in that firmament above us, same as all the celestial bodies. Polaris was set str8 north. never moves

the moon isn't lit from the sun's light

MOONlight has been proven to have totally different properties than sunlight

the moon really gives it all away, which is why they had to rush and fake sending that go-kart rolled in Reynolds wrap up there :dead:
