Nelly Rape Accuser Will Not Testify / Wants Case Dropped

Started by Lazarus, October 14, 2017, 07:07:04 PM

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Nelly looks to be on the road to redemption.

Exactly one week ago the rap star hit headlines when he was arrested after being accused of rape.

Now, it appears as though vindication is on the horizon.

Find out why below?

Per TMZ, the woman at the centre of the scandal is refusing to testify, and wants the whole matter dropped.

Nelly?s attorney Scott Rosenblum said the claimant?s ?reckless accusation, once investigated thoroughly, was exposed for what it was-a fabrication. A fabrication that has caused Nelly and his family to suffer emotionally and financially.?

What?s more, the St. Louis native?s legal team apparently want a public apology from the woman, and will recommend the star consider taking legal action against her.

For what it?s worth, the accuser?s lawyer Karen Koehler says she feels the system has failed her client.




Nicki & Cardi searching for Remy's top 10 hit:


Oh no bitch you don?t get to drop the case now after dragging his name through the dirt

Girls like her really make actual victims look a certain way and it?s sad


This is why I never report mess because of girls like this


I'm on the fence. Her dropping this doesn't necessarily mean she lied.




Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)

Eternal Bell

these dummy gorls r screwin' it up for tha real cases

siddown sumwhea


This is exactly what the aziz case is. These women are doing the most. 
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw