The biblical lies about Homos are finally starting to unravel .....

Started by Bentley!, October 20, 2015, 02:19:33 PM

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Quote from: Zoe on October 20, 2015, 05:31:14 PM

Of course they aren't dragging Islam.
Islam is a minority in the US.

Im sure if they were perched in Yemen they'd have their foots on Mohammad neck too


thats like asking why tf are we speaking English.



Ray Gor'.. You know what im getting at.

There's not and never has been a being that lives in the damns sky.


who said God "lives in the sky"?
I mean its a nice lil terminology for where "Heaven" is
but there's no way to "prove" anything "false" about Christianity or any religion tbh
its all about believing in stuff that defies "science" and "logic"




Well then there's also no way to "prove" homosexualiy is wrong
Which youve repeated numerous times on here

Check ..... and mate


I never said homosexuality was "wrong" first of all
also the term "wrong" is subjective, and refers to ethics and morality
so there's nothing to "prove"
what one believes is wrong is their opinion and nothing more
check THAT



sss boy stop ok
Youve said hurtful things to gays here, even using slurs
Youre a slick homophobe
I checked THAT a long time ago

And ok wrong is an opinion
Since you wanna dance around topics :kii:
Is it "wrong"?  ... In YOUR opinion



I have said a lot to gays, and those same gays have said QUITE a lot of shit to me
posted photo-shopped pics of my face etc so you have no point there.
I believe that being gay is a sin, but thats not something I care about its something I believe that God is against
that doesnt affect me
no dancing here


226 K. Michelle, Azealia Banks
House of Blues
Boston, Mass.
Sept. 27, 2015
6 /36


So basically you lied ..

cause I pointed out that youve said it was wrong :dead:

Either that or Im missing something


And the other thing is you never apologized for using slurs to hurt ppl
Sounds like throwing stones ta me!



Im not apologizing unless those same ppl apologize for what they said to me
and I didn't lie. what God is against is not my business