Update: Kanye Tweets About His Love Of Trump: "He Is My Brother"; Trump Responds

Started by Freemala Harris, April 25, 2018, 03:06:22 PM

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Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!

Eternal Bell

squids gor...thought u were one of tha awoken...



Hope this coon flops to the pits of hell and drags the Kardashians down with him




Kims dumb ass has only known him since after Donda

So that bitch has only experienced craze' KINGye

"Oh no sunken place!!"

Girl can it


Quote from: Saeed. on April 26, 2018, 01:33:05 AM
You never delight in ANYONE?s demise especially an artist and who I considered former activist like Kanye. I just hope to inspire actual dialogue on this board about these politics and mental wellness in regards to Kanye, Azealia and the like. There is a greater need at hand. Accountability is one for starters and secondly, we cannot keep giving these folks platforms that constantly abuse it from concerning yourself with these white fashion houses that have proven themselves racists, to marrying into a family that has blatantly appropriated black culture and has profited from it, to THIS. No fucking sir. We got work to do.



Quote from: YAH. on April 25, 2018, 07:34:44 PM
Doesn?t he have two albums coming out soon?

I mean..


And the fact that people are still falling for his mess. Everybody is talking about this clown which is what he wanted.   


Quote from: YAH. on April 25, 2018, 08:09:00 PM

Why is he giving his best DUMP impression

OMF is this new? I thought he was losing weight.



see ... and this is the thing with social media now that I love, let these phaggs expose themselves and how much they really fckn "care" about anything other than themselves, their fame, their career

um .... Kanye is a megalomaniac ... and always has been one :dead:

let's get right down to the THING

Kanye was never an activist of any sort, he just said cute shit and made BOPS with dope RAPS over them

a bunch of NIGGERS really put their activist dreams in a filthy NIGGER who married a Kardashian huh? the fck?!!!

we as a ppl have to stop trying to immortalize and follow every damn body

and I really wanna send all the blk who try to downplay Obama's importance back into shackles

oh that nigga ain't do nothing!

well explain to me exactly what your crusty BLACK ass has done ... EVER!

let's see your NIGGER ass run for president in the country that enslaves you ... YES! kiss his feet for giving your COON ass something to look at other than 45 fckn white men, if at all nothing else :uhh:

sigh .... we need a mass murder to occur, we've gotta put these problematic niggers owt the game



The way white people are so giddy about this and the Candice Owens mess.

Now they're suddenly Kanye lovers. Ugh, white people are trash.  :uhh:     
