Umm, did anyone watch the 2nd season of 13 Reasons Why?

Started by MelMel, May 23, 2018, 06:08:50 PM

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Don't bother with season 2 your really gonna be pissed then.


It was okay. They really didn't need a season 2 mess tbh. It felt like they were trying too hard to cover certain issues (teenage drug addiction, victim blaming, absent parents etc).

The shock moment in the series finale was just not necessary. The blood on the mop :uhh:

Jessica and Zac were my faves this season.



Quee could have ruled that school

Fuck Jessica with her acne and Chole with her bad roots



The trick with season one is to pay attention to Clay?s scar on his forehead

When it?s there it?s present when it?s not it?s in the past



There was way too much emphasis on sex. I know its centered around a rape but the random erections, hands free cum shots, the repetitious descriptions of the rapes.... "took me from behind, pushed deep inside of me!", like.... :uhh:



and the way they were speaking to their parents :uhh:

all this damn cursing and what not...smh.

And not Clay's parents rewarding his dumbass, who almost got ran over, stayed up and out until 5am!!!, and had a drug addict in his room for like two or three days, with a damn car! :hmph:


Quote from: MelMel on May 28, 2018, 10:23:53 PM
and the way they were speaking to their parents :uhh:

all this damn cursing and what not...smh.

And not Clay's parents rewarding his dumbass, who almost got ran over, stayed up and out until 5am!!!, and had a drug addict in his room for like two or three days, with a damn car! :hmph:


I knew I wasn't but being a prude. I wanted to SLAP the mess out of Clay :uhh:






Can?t imagine why there?d be another season. Cancel this shit