Black Gay Men in the US facing 50-50 risk of HIV Infection

Started by fresh, June 03, 2018, 05:24:21 PM

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& I know this is an issue within the gay black community especially, but I hate how these headlines gain the most traction, but you'll never see headlines about white gays massively undertesting
At least BG's are testing and actually getting diagnosis


Quote from: BrandySavedMyLife on June 03, 2018, 05:44:57 PM
And the funniest thing is when someone you just met expects you to just blindly believe them when they say they?re clean. Even when you show me dem test receipts, you could?ve caught something in the meantime. Chile


And any girl wanting to do anything raw is an automatic block.

Over the last 2 years I seen too many of these couples that been together forever where the other party was cheating the whole damn time.
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Quote from: XXX. on June 03, 2018, 05:33:30 PM
I have a close friend who was dating a nigga for 6 months and he was HIV+ the entire time.  My friend asked him early in the relationship his status, and he told him he was negative.  Even to the point that when my friend wanted to use condoms their first time, the guy was like, "I mean, we can use them if you want!  But YEAH!  Never had anything! LOL!"

And I guess that was enough to disarm my friend and make him think the guy was clean. SMH.  6 months later, he finds out the guy has been positive for almost 10 years.  All the poz girls wanna say, "UNDETECTABLE! LOL!"  ...... and my friend has since gotten tested... and was negative in 2 different tests.

But it's also an issue with poz guys who are "undetectable" not telling their partners.  Granted, you have to be responsible for your self, but STILL..... it's disgusting! 

Faggots are gross.
Scary as fuck.

Lane Bryant Jumpsuit

Quote from: Corporate Cannibal. on June 03, 2018, 05:38:20 PM
Quote from: SadiddyAzzNoLimitPlatinumCard on June 03, 2018, 05:33:51 PM
(orders dildo)

usually I'd agree with everyone else and say close this. But I agree.

you're saying alot carl your saying alot without saying anything at all

but  its just not worth it id rather get dick that way

then cuddle up with someone and punch

too risky out here for you to not go and get checked before getting it in

Lewie D Im Caramel Bitches Ion Wanna hear Im Actin

Purple Moon

Must be a purple moon, feel like one of those nights...


You know what I hate? fags trying to normalize AIDS/HIV and these prEP pills

:uhh: like I SHOULD be disgusted by someone infected. the fuck you mean don't be rude  ?


Quote from: Baph Lorenzo. on June 03, 2018, 05:51:45 PM
You know what I hate? fags trying to normalize AIDS/HIV and these prEP pills

:uhh: like I SHOULD be disgusted by someone infected. the fuck you mean don't be rude  ?
this is why people lie hun'


Quote from: Guilty on June 03, 2018, 05:53:49 PM
Quote from: Baph Lorenzo. on June 03, 2018, 05:51:45 PM
You know what I hate? fags trying to normalize AIDS/HIV and these prEP pills

:uhh: like I SHOULD be disgusted by someone infected. the fuck you mean don't be rude  ?
this is why people lie hun'

But Baph is right too. I don?t know why they get so offended when you aren?t into it.
Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Dont believe this mess honestly

Especially after it was revealed only 1/3 white gorls get tested


But be safe regardless