Brawl breaks out in church after pastor requests $1000 from each member

Started by herbie, August 07, 2018, 08:23:00 AM

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como la whore

Quote from: Legacy on August 07, 2018, 10:31:23 AM
Quote from: chula. on August 07, 2018, 09:58:55 AM
I feel like if you willingly attend a "church" where the pastor drives a $500,000 car and lives in a $10 million dollar mansion then you deserve to be scammed, tbh.

dumb selves
I'd hold the leaders responsible before I hold the members' feet to the fire.

They know that a lot of these people are in desperate situations and have been raised and conditioned to believe a lot of what the church pushes out there in regards to what's needed to be "saved" and "blessed".

These are people who live their entire lives based on the promise that if they follow a set of rules (that are pushed by church leaders), they'll be granted access into Heaven.

The leaders then take this concept of "obedience" and apply it to finances as well. "You want your blessing? You MUST give. And give your last."

In some cases I think it's very innocent - I mean there is a story in the Bible about a woman who couldn't give as much as everyone else, but gave her ALL , which was just as good in God's eyes.

And there are pastors who aren't rich, and simply want to keep the doors of their church open to all. They really believe in their mission - some even live in poverty as they fight to maintain the church's bills. When they ask for help from the congregation, they REALLY need it. My hat goes off to those pastors. I had a pastor like that growing up.

But then you have leaders who are clearly trying to make sure that their extravagant Cash Money No Limit Records lifestyle is continuously supported.

My pastor wasn't rolling up to the church with "Bling Bling" blasting from his speakers, before he asked us for coins to get the roof fixed, or to get the air conditioner repaired.

I agree, I just don't see how some of these people don't sometimes think "hey....he's asking us for money for a new private jet....maybe he's using us?"

these people blindly just GIVE and give and are taken advantage of. But religion has always been about instilling fear and "doing what you are told" so I'm really not surprised. It's just sad that there are so many scam artists out there who prey on the weak and vulnerable.

Maybe there are people who think about the possibility of being used or want to question it but are afraid to. It would totally make sense. I'm all for churches that are ALL about community and helping others. But nothing irks me more than seeing these men talk about why they need a new mansion or a new private WHAT?  :uhh: and it happens all the time.


como la whore


Quote from: Vonc2002 on August 07, 2018, 08:37:15 AM
And looking at this video, this isn't some video of members revolting because a pastor asked for money.  This is some group that went in with an agenda
!!!! I'm legit confused.


Quote from: Vonc2002 on August 07, 2018, 08:31:47 AM
Churches do this all the time and it's not some mandated thing to pay up. Also, this looks like a mega church where there is a huge congregation and people that have the funds to pay such a  amount. How do y'all think churches operate? It dependson the support of it's members :dead:

You're not smart