The next BIG THING ( Official fAided Envy fume thread)

Started by Young, September 22, 2018, 01:59:01 PM

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im AFRAId to read this thread ok


Quote from: FadedEnvy on September 24, 2018, 05:53:28 PM
Quote from: Young on September 24, 2018, 12:59:29 PM
Correcting you on her age (or what I thought was) means that I was bothered?

No, trying to correct me about her age, getting disproved once, trying to counter argue only to be disproven again, and then turning around and pointing the finger at me for being "bothered" because I was able to back up my statement is makes you bothered, and stupid if you don't  see how ridiculous you sound.

QuoteAre you okay? Where did I try to search and dig for receipts to prove I was right? Please show me.
I continued to post and praise what they had going on, and was essentially paying you no mind besides me saying "Kristal is 30".
I don't even think I initially even quoted you gorl. :dead:
YOU then popped up with print screens of Kristal Voting registration information :uhh:
Like, what world do you live on?

I reside in the world were your fave is presently a flop and you're currently fuming mad about it.

I was the only one who brought up Kris' and Ashly's age so miss me with the "didn't even quote ya" bs, you were still indirectly addressing my post, and I responded accordingly.

Lets get one thing clear tho, I didn't go out of my way to dig for her voter information nor did I seek out her criminal past, I didn't even have to dig to find out her real age because I already been knew that shit when I made the fkin post because she used to tell it in Richgirl interviews. I only had to dig up reciepts because your simple ass was challenging the accuracy of my post, so me digging up the reciepts had nothing to me obsessively looking for dirt of Kristal, it was for one purpose and that was to prove what I already knew and to shut your ass up.

Since most old Richgirl articles and interviews are difficult to find, I did a people search because its fre and requires all of the time and effort of a simple google search. Since you are clearly unfamiliar with them, the free result typically returns a persons public information like your name, age, phone #'s, addresses, voter information  and they will indicate things like if the person has criminal records but you have to pay like $20-$30 to access for that stuff. I only cared about verifying her age, the possible criminal stuff that turned up was just posted for the usual shits and giggles, for all I know it could be traffic stuff, but contrary to belief I don't care nearly that much about that heaux to spend money finding out.

Imma skip the rest of that mess cause you ain't  really saying nothing luv. You seriously don't need to "concern" yourself with why I choose to post about what I want to post about, cause I'll do wtf I want. There are several others who straight up troll in your Kris/JD threads but you focus on me because I provide actual valid arguments that you can't counter with "Go Kristal!" and that burns you right on up. You should be more concerned with why you've been on a mental hamster wheel for 10 years running around in circles talking "she coming" only to be disappointed by perpetual flopping time and time again.

I will assure you I'll take being known as the biggest most  pressed Kristal hater in the world, over an out of touch delusional bird brain ass nigga like yourself any day. They say hindsight is 20/20 so let me put it perspective; there once was a time on this very board that you would passionately defended Votron Recordz  and hyped up Tyrese as this savvy record label mogul, and how he was a smart choice for Kristal to sign with and how he was sure to do big things for her because his own independent albums had done well, and you STOOD firmly in this delusion time and time again right until the whole situation went from shit to shittier and eventually fell apart altogether. If you are able to recognize how dumb and delusional as fuck you sounded back then, take my word for it when I say absolutely nothing has changed today.

So yea you can take your "concern" and direct it at handling up on that, or you can take it and shove it up your ass whatever gives ya the biggest thrill. :letsmessfag:

So yeah; you're a June Bug. a ROACH to be specific, but its cool!  :sistas:

Oh no, imma roach!  :kii: You're gonna wish yall asses was roaches, they say they can survive the apocalypse which will certainly come long before Kristal's career ever happens.

Hun you?re letting it all hang out and I LOVE it dddd
I?m not fuming babe, that?s one thing you should know  :dead:

But since you wanna get to the meat and fckn potatoes behind all this mess then let?s REALLY take it down the yellow brick fckn road with this.
You can TRY and cast the way YOU feel about me or Kristal out as HARD as you want honey but the TRUTH of the matter is you?re a SHITTY MESS


And that?s why I had no problem kii?ing with you at first because I really
Thought something so seemingly PRESSED and ONLY focused on the negative was just a joke to get some attention in the threads for fun. Or to get some interaction with ME; because for the most part it?s just a back and forth kii kii Mess. Forgive me for ACTUALLY thinking that someone who seemed to have stalkerish like qualities about a singer who in their eyes is for the lack of a better word ?finished, not happening?, was just an odd and edgy way to have fun and make JOKES.
I gotchu fucked up huh?

It?s NOW apparent to me that you actually live in the  crucks of and personify the SHITTY personality you created on here.
I?m just now getting it, ?am sorr? ! :diddraispoot:
But let me tell you atleast WHY I came to This conclusion....!one being that you are finally admitting that you have a HISTORY of files, screenshots, search queries and as you would call it? RECEIPTS, on a person that to you isn?t worth a damn and is ?over? . Yet you continue to carry this DESIRE to commit to the ROLE and nature of this account you created! and have been for quite some time now. And that it is let?s say roughly 80% of your existence is on this site . In short ; That is what we KNOW YOU FOR; the Rich Girl hater. SWORN ENEMY of Kristal Lyndriette Smith ! and Leader of the Anti-Kristal group!
But then what kinda made me JUMP tf BACK a bit is that you have accepted this title and? wear it proudly as if it?s cute !  :holdupguys:

?Yep! Hate ha! We gon? Beef foreva!?  :mmyulost:

But I decided to look past that just for a SEC , and maybe give you the benefit of the doubt because it was clear at THAT point to me, that you weren?t playing with ?a full deck of cards.? Or let?s say ?Missing a few crayons in your PACK.? I then took note and took Into account that you actually DO take the time to research this girl and kinda go out of your way to keeps tabs on her. You make sure to add you own notes to screen shots, pull quotes and posts from years back that Kristal or someone around her made. (Like literally no named people kinda mess)
Like this is something that you specialize in! PLEASE tell this is your line of work on the outside too! A SPECIAL OPS kinda mess! Coz you got a GIFT BITCH!  :lopsided: The ability and DESIRE to stalk ain?t something we all can do beloved !

But BayBEE bitch YOU kinda TOOK it to the REAL CRAZIES and OFF GALS because you do this for A Bitch you hate !
A girl that is a waste of space and time !
You have the EXCEPTIONAL ability to play in this space. It?s a fucking MESS but you love it !

But can we can agree on the facts that matter here:

The girls are on a label . One that believes in them. (independent or not)
The girls are talented .
They have creative genius Frank Gatson behind them. A man that believes in and loves them and compares them to the GREATS. Kinda like I was doing when I started this thread :ohhey:

The creative mind behind acts like Brandy ( who also loves and wants them to continue no matter what because they have ?a light?) , Beyonce (who has outwardly shown love to and given opportunity to girls like Kristal) , En Vogue etc.. and he has said verbatim ?this is the best group I?ve ever worked with in my life.?
So that means these girls atleast have something special; taking all that into account .
But kudos because you have admitted to the talent part.
They?ve also had great opportunities already such as doing Essence, Winning Awards, getting On tours to include the Massive Great Xscape Tour, releasing an EP. They?ve managed to do things in spite of what they were going through.

Cuz I think WE CAN ALL SEE how hard these girls have had it and what they went through . Even back to Kristal and Voltron . We?ve ALL seen the let downs and things that have slowed them down. But you continue to want to talk about that . When I start threads about what they?re doing currently, Or simply to praise their gifts, You like to WADDLE in LATE! and give me your SHITTY news of the day mess.
But I thought it was all a joke my luv !

But now I know what to pray for !
Cuz you?re still one of my favorite members here  :caramelapple:
Piece of shit self.
I just luv ya ! :traciandchelle:

But here?s a tip just to kinda mend the mess a little in here ! :tistheseas:
You don?t have to FUME so hard or atleast LOOK.SO PRESSED, just because someone is sitting in and relishing in another person?s gift. Or that they have a positive outlook on that person?s future and believes in the best for them. No matter how ugly things may look AT TIMES. Or the various let downs. Because that?s what being a true fan is about and that?s what LOVE is about . That?s really all I?ve ever done. And what I was doing here as well. but somehow you still steamed :dead:

But since we can AGREE that Kristal will leave some trails behind and you?ll be right THERE , no matter the time or place to give your DETAILED REPORT on what?s going on (in your mind with her) then let?s just start there babe!

See you then !




In conclusion, June's are flops and are never happening.

Thanks for reading these essays y'all.


September 24, 2018, 08:35:30 PM #124 Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 08:37:08 PM by FadedEnvy
 :kii: :kii: :kii: :dead:
Vii cg igihigigih8ih8hi8

I'm not responding to that abundance of foolishness that you just posted luv, as tempting as it is, just based on the parts I skimmed thru i'd be here all day  dismantling that one, give it up you are unraveling sir, you are just not built for this luv. I literally read some parts of that post hearing Kandi's shakey almost crying ass voice in my head.

It's very clear that I have your mind on lock every bit as much as you claim Kris has mine, if not more so. One thing about Faded, is Faded writes in long winded paragraphs at AT ALL TIMES whether the subject is Kristal or one of my faves, you on the other hand have abandoned your typical Dr. Suess structured entries for this J.K. Rowling mess and you think you are actually selling "unbothered" teas. YOU ARE PRESSSD like starched jeans. This might be the first time I've literally gotten secondhand embarrassment for my opponent in a front battle, he need sum milk!

And the kick is after that shameful public display of free flowing flop fave crybaby ass tears, foaming, and slobbering at the mouth. You are still left to contend with the reality that Kristal is still a 31 year old unknown, irrelevant, poor man's Beyonce stuck in a stagnant manufactured group on a flop label not to mention a possible felon, and for 10+ years fate has all but flat out said that's just kinda fuckin that, and I'm still gonna be in the next JD thread, and the next one, and the one after that to point it out if I so feel like it.  Now scram!



events take a sudden twist when fADE' is cornered by Ray

mess will ensue from here :supluv:


in other news

Ciara is the goddess that trained the original goddesses