Bible Faggots! LEARN from this! No one wants to hear about some talking whale!

Started by FlowerBomb, November 21, 2018, 10:45:34 AM

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QuoteThe islanders saw that and blocked my exit," he wrote, discussing the first time he ran across tribal members. "One blocked (unarmed) while other (armed with knife 

Quotepreached a bit to them starting in Genesis.

QuoteOne of the tribe members shot me with an arrow -- directly into my Bible which I was holding in front of my chest," Chau wrote, saying he broke off the arrow on page 453 of the book of Isaiah.

I stumbled back and I recall yelling at the [tribe member] for shooting me.


QuoteThis is not a pointless thing," Chau wrote. The eternal lives of this tribe is at hand.

Another sicko religious fanatic who got what he deserved. Good damn riddance.



Not them shooting an arrow into his Bible as he held it and thinking that was a sign to try harder.



Do these ppl even speak English? They probably had no idea who he was or what he was doing. You can?t just run up on people like that


Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!
