There's so much reverse racism on bsource now :plzstop:

Started by Bentley!, November 19, 2015, 12:41:53 PM

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Quote from: GRILL on November 19, 2015, 01:33:33 PM
Quote from: Nine on November 19, 2015, 01:33:06 PM
Quote from: LiBra on November 19, 2015, 01:31:45 PM
my one pet peeve when you guys having e-beef is telling someone have HIV or STD, or wishing death on that shit is so uncool i mean c'mon guys at the end of the day we're here for BRANDY and shouldn't be acting like this..i'm no angel but come to fuck on





So rudes   


Quote from: M?RGĖ??X on November 19, 2015, 01:34:27 PM
This delusional fat faggy is mad because I will argue down about black equality and accepting all gay as they are but yet you will create meaningless threads about Talisa, Gen, and whoever else all day repeating the same shit day in and day out. Are you mad because while I'm a fucking slut, I'm still able to be intellectually stimulating in my conversations?! I can ride dick and still be up to date with current world events?

If you need help I'm here to offer you fat ass some guidance.


Margy I was NEVER in your PMs asking to see shit. Like ... EVER lolz

Ya pulled that shit on Tyrone... But not me hun

And the gorls are just tired of you.

Like I said, whatever drugs you're on, stop and get yourself together.

You're erratic and just an all over the place mess.

Walking around here like that one aunty that somehow got hooked on crack
"can't find me a job, it's the white DEBIL! Everybody jealou' cause am so fine!"

You're a complete mess Margy. I say that with love lolz


Quote from: LISlikeliquor on November 19, 2015, 01:33:53 PM
Quote from: Jonovan on November 19, 2015, 12:59:14 PM
it seems like it just came out of nowhere, its off putting but i understand it.

forgot you was white
vvvvvvv no he isn't

He's like Indian or something


Quote from: Blues clue on November 19, 2015, 01:11:44 PM
but lemme jus fckin say sumn

wat i damns said its tha fckin TRUTH of tha matter
its wat tha TRUTH is!
yall wann' s'pport her, FINE!

tha gurls aint s'pport jazmine sull'van like tht tho
hmmm...wond' why..& jaz was evn on tht good mornin' 'merica show
prolly cuz her hair doesnt give a SILK mess OWT!
or her skin isnt tha color of soothin....delicious warm milk...mmm oomm...

& this is no shade to tha mix or white gurls on tha board but UR ppl have POISONED my ppl
n im sick of it
bent' im sorr' but iM SICK of this shit
mel'...bby i kno ure all luv & sunshines but im SICKA tha shit!
gurls usin diaper money to buy this ALB'!
im cant do it...i wont be SILENT no longer

now see

now fckin SEES!

PREACH on this good THURS blue! Let it the fuck out so these heathens can here. Sick a loggin on to the same, late ass daycare shit.

1 time? aight. 2 times? what? 3 times, dawg?



Damn I gotta go pay this car insurance.

Behave gurs   


Quote from: Drais. on November 19, 2015, 01:38:21 PM
Damn I gotta go pay this car insurance.

Behave gurs   

And I won't let no bills get behind

Cuz every kiss, every hug



Quote from: M?RGĖ??X on November 19, 2015, 01:29:38 PM
and what does any of my interactions with others have to do with you? I remember not too long ago your fat ass was in my inbox trying to get you a piece but I turned you down because I'm not attracted to overweight verse bottoms
:flamebroiled: :flamebroiled: :flamebroiled: :flamebroiled:


Yea... lol let me go too gorls, Talisa found her way in another one of my threads.

Later yawl!



∧ ∨ ∩ ∪

No faggot the girls are tired of you which is why the majority of your threads are flops. Why when you make an idiotic attempt to lash Lis the girls don't enter or even give a "is it over yet" mess because you're late.

You're a grown ass man with no type of ambition to be anything other than a useless ass faggy and that's just based on my views of you from my interactions with you on this board. You're one pathetic ass individual.


Bent got fckin HANDLED like the oh chorus

i'm CACKLIN back :kii: