Do you think you're a good person?

Started by zaiye9837, March 29, 2019, 08:41:57 PM

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I honestly don't know. There are some days where think I'm a relatively good/nice person, and others where I just plain feel like a shitty individual.

For example, I think I can be too harsh and overly critical of other people. I often think I'm just mean-spirited for thinking negatively about people.

I try to find that balance of being selfless while also not being a doormat. I don't like or allow people to walk all over me, but at the same time, I feel I let too much shit slide. But then again, I hate being aggressive and confrontation of any kind makes me anxious.

I'm very self conscious about the way I treat people. I try not to care so much, but it's HARD. Lots of people think I'm being too hard on myself, but n. (Even though they may be right)

But me aside. Do you think you're a good person?


This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


I'm a good person.

very gentle, nice and conscientious.




I wasn't back in high school but I'm a very good person. It's really funny how life works and how people can truly transform!

Ma Lo

It's not for me to judge.. I hate hearing people say " oh I'm a good person" Bitch let God be the judge first then let me do it after him.




I would say that I am. I'm very loyal and I'll give you my last.

But I'm not perfect. I have my flaws. I can be very snarky, easily irritated, distant and hot & cold. 


Absolutely not.

I imagine hurting people all the time. Even while they're talking to me. 

Also sometimes think about what would happen if I accidentally drop a knife on my cat, how would he react?  


Quote from: Bloody Tears on March 29, 2019, 09:00:26 PM
It's not for me to judge.. I hate hearing people say " oh I'm a good person" Bitch let God be the judge first then let me do it after him.
But when you know, you know.


Quote from: Chokeme Politely on March 29, 2019, 11:30:13 PM
Absolutely not.

I imagine hurting people all the time. Even while they're talking to me.

Also sometimes think about what would happen if I accidentally drop a knife on my cat, how would he react? 

hey king

u still unsure if u are who u really are?