so what’s the difference between transgender and transracial

Started by Kaeli., February 12, 2020, 10:33:25 AM

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Quote from: LOONA. on February 13, 2020, 09:10:39 PM
Quote from: ophelia on February 13, 2020, 09:00:56 PM
Quote from: LOONA. on February 13, 2020, 07:56:47 PM
I really can't with the stupidity. Y'all let Oph perch up and down every page with that bullshit and I'm just reading the mess like  :blink:

I'll continue entertaining the mess if any gurs can find me

-Documents of transracial people throughout history
-Medical associations that support trancracial identities
-Medically proven treatments transracial people can use to alter themselves

And I mean in the way Raechel tried to redefine it

Cause when you fags simplify it to, "well if a person can identity as a different gender... a person can identity as a difference race", then facts should be flying out of your keyboards and not your own theories. A statement that straightforward should yield endless results.

Rachel Dolezal pulled some goofy analogies out of her ass and attempted to ride the coattails of gay/trans rights to get people to accept her idea of racial fluidity. There was some chatter here and there but the term transracial has been weaponized as a way to question the legitimacy of transgendered people. A white woman cosplaying as a black woman is nothing more than glorified blackface. Accepting this would mean what for ancestry or phenotype?  Raechel successfully occupied black spaces and made opportunities for herself appropriating another culture (as white people always do) and at anytime she can go back to her privileged whiteness. Who are transgendered people appropriating? Taking opportunities from? Benefiting off of? They're a marginalized group of people who constantly have to deal with prejudice, endless stigma and violence. How is that comparable to Raechel, already being privileged.....jumping into black skin and prospering? An honest question... what would transracial mean for people that aren't white? Will a black candidate edge out white candidates for a job because they identify as white? Will the only black kid in the classroom be held to the same academic standards by his teacher as his white peers because he identities as white? No. There's so many problems with this mess. The oppression aspect alone. Y'all ok?

The same way All Lives Matters is used to undermine Black Lives Matters "transracial" was hijacked and is now something used to delegitimize and denigrate trans identities. What Raechel tried to push is about as real as unicorns. Transgendered people have existed all throughout history even before colonization. Indigenous people and nations all around the world had numerous gender identities.

Where are the gurs like Raechel? .......

But y'all can't see the differences?

Like there is literally nothing valid you can bring to the table trying to discuss transracial people that isn't centered around Raechel or her ideology which is stupid as fuck.  :kii:

i just skimmed but i wanna point out a lil sumn i DID pick up

so you saying being black jn america... as far as oppurtunity goes.... id a step UP from being white in america? and that rachel was just claiming to be black for pure gain?


gor wut? living as a black women surely exposed her to more prejudice than living as a white woman ever would. and wasn't she naacp chapter president? sis was fighting for black rights a bit too. but anywho

your idea of what the difference is relies on the assumption that a transracial person only claims to identify this way for reasons of self interest. who's to say these people dont have some emotional or spiritual reason in THEIR head that causes them to want to "transition race".

someone could use your sane argument here and say that a man is just saying they're transgender to gain from it. some have actually made that very argument when it comes to transgenders in sports.

so u see... bby cakes..... no matter WHAT you say the "difference" is, it can still be applied to both sides..... because they are the SAME.

luv u 2 life tho. trans self.

I said she infiltrated BLACK spaces and got opportunities in those specific spaces by masquerading around as a BLACK woman. Not America in general. That's why you don't skim mess and try to respond.

Go to bed dummy   

so she got the same oppurtunities that any other real black woman had access to. got it.

also did this change literally ANY part of my argument? LMFAO NOPE!

theyre still the same

you have a knack... a TALENT, even.... for finding new ways to say absolutely nothing  :dead:

❄️☃️🌨� Shuji Feels Different 🌨�☃️❄️

God... this thread proves that gays across the spectrum should be NUKED. Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans/Queer/Intersex...nuke em all I say :disgusted:


Quote from: ShujQuarius on February 14, 2020, 05:55:14 AM
God... this thread proves that gays across the spectrum should be NUKED. Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans/Queer/Intersex...nuke em all I say :disgusted:
I agree

Especially for yourself
