Do you think we could get Bran's album around June/July? [Real Talk]

Started by Wtv, December 22, 2015, 03:00:58 PM

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First of all, lets try to leave the madness, frustration out of the topic (I know its asking too much, but at least lets try, lol)

Second, I feel its been MONTHS since I dont really talk about Bran, Ive been busy and kind of "out" of the whole branmovement, but today I just wanted to go back to what I loved: talking just about my FAVE; Im bored reading topics about Beyonce, Rihanna, Monica or whoever.

So now on topic, honest question right here. With Zoe arriving on January, do you think its realistic for us to expect the album around June or July? so it could enter the Grammy deadline and all of that?

or do you guys think its more likely to expect it for September or so?




why was this moved to this board?

are the stans done with Brandy topics or what?   :shannonsmissing:


H what the fuck do u know who we're addressing? :plzstop:

I expect September 2016 to be the earliest tbh.


Assuming Zoe still has the same shoot schedule it did last year, I'm thinking we'll get it early summer or sometime in Q4.


early summer would be perfect.

I'll just hate with passion if her album missed the Grammy deadline once again  :'(

Jeff better release two singles long before the deadline, and the album at least two months before


I don't see Q1 or Q2 2016 happening what with Zoe and it's promo and all that.

I think Fall or Winter is more realistic.

