North Korea To Test a Hydrogen Bomb In The Pacific

Started by Freemala Harris, September 21, 2017, 10:10:59 PM

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Freemala Harris

North Korea is interested in testing a hydrogen bomb in the middle of the Pacific, according to reports.

The move would be a direct response to President Trump?s latest threat to destroy the rogue nation, said North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho.

Speaking to reporters in New York on Thursday night, Ri explained that leader Kim Jong Un was ultimately referring to the potential test of ?the most powerful detonation of an H-bomb? when he made his ?highest-level? comments earlier in the evening.

Ri did say, though, that Kim could change his mind and decide to take a different course of action, should he choose to respond.

?We have no idea about what actions could be taken as it will be ordered by leader Kim Jong Un,? Ri said, according to South Korea?s Yonhap news agency.

Word of a possible detonation in the Pacific comes just weeks after the North carried out its sixth and most powerful test within its borders.

It also follows Kim?s incendiary comments about President Trump ? in which he called him ?mentally deranged? and referred to his UN speech on Tuesday as ?the most ferocious declaration of a war in history.?

Testing a nuclear weapon beyond its borders would certainly heighten tensions between the US and North Korea.

The Hermit Kingdom already has Japan on edge after launching multiple missiles over the island nation.



they really look like babies throwing toys at each other.


[youtube autoplay=1 start=10 end=20 width=1][/youtube]

Kim sis ... ... you tryna get into it?



Quote from: end north korea on September 21, 2017, 10:19:21 PM
Quote from: Gilgamesh. on September 21, 2017, 10:13:26 PM
they really look like babies throwing toys at each other.
A hydrogen bomb isn't exactly a toy.

If this test is successful it will finally prove that they can really strike us if they want to. Up until now they have been testing ICBMs and h-bombs separately. Meaning, they've proven that their ICBMs can fly pretty well and long, and with a 6 point mess on the Richter scale, their bomb is powerful. They have yet to put the two together for testing.

This update sounds like they're finally ready to combine them and do an all-out test. It's pretty huge.

i'm more so referring to the way they've been "threatening " each other back an forth for weeks.

War is expensive. I don't think either of them, especially Trump, want this. Unfortunately they both happen to be stubborn egomaniacs so this will get worse before it gets better, case in point: Hydrogen bomb.

Freemala Harris

chhhhhh this mess has me on pins and needles

as long as it doesn't reach my city

Freemala Harris

Quote from: end north korea on September 21, 2017, 10:30:12 PM
Quote from: Freeruu on September 21, 2017, 10:27:23 PM
chhhhhh this mess has me on pins and needles

as long as it doesn't reach my city

LA is closest to them lolz


Praying for ya'll...


Quote from: ORORO MUNROE-UDAKU on September 21, 2017, 10:19:08 PM
[youtube autoplay=1 start=10 end=20 width=1][/youtube]

Kim sis ... ... you tryna get into it?
