Id like the EP cover to give this tea

Started by Wtv, July 06, 2015, 01:16:34 PM

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July 06, 2015, 01:16:34 PM Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 01:16:58 PM by Warren Worthington III
I know many of you use to preffer a more basic glam pic, but Id love to see Bran's team trying new things, and giving a more enigmatic, simbolic or atmospheric tea:

:blush: :wub:




Blessed Be The Mufuckin Fruit!!!


of course the pic and tittle is just a quick example I used, not that I want that tittle and pic, obviously.

It has to fit the content of the EP and general vibe. If its dark, smooth... there're so many possibilities regarding artwork


Did you make this? It's nice!

Brandy is a beauty. Imo, having her face/body on the cover always works. And you can still be symbolic with that. Just think of all the artwork of Grace Jones for example.


I'm not crazy about the text placement at the top but I love it.

I've been wanting Brandy to do a simple, clean album cover for a while that is more artsy.


yeah, Brandy always looks amazing, but I would keep a more conventional cover for the album, in any case, trying something really edgy for the EP. Im sure many people would take notice and get interested if they see something new and original. It would take people's attention on itunes and different outlets, imo.

I guess its just me, the the edgier Bran gets in marketing, the better. She's an icon, right? she could create a new trend with the covers, if her team was really into it and pushing a new brand



nice to see most of u liking it. I have to be honest, tho, its not my original idea, I saw a similar cover on a music site and liked the concept, so I tried the same with a different background and tittle, just to see how it would look like with Bran's name on it. I love the concept, but this is just one simple cover, art is limitless, so Id love to be surprised by her team this era.