Roy Moore: The Last Time America Was ?Great? Was When ?We Had Slavery?

Started by MAY, December 08, 2017, 07:59:33 PM

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QuoteEmbattled Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore apparently believes America was a better place at a time when slavery was still legal because ?families were united,? according to the Los Angeles Times.

When asked by an audience member at a campaign event earlier this year when America was last ?great,? a reference to Trump?s ?Make America Great Again? campaign slogan, Moore responded: ?I think it was great at the time when families were united?even though we had slavery?they cared for one another?Our families were strong, our country had a direction.?

According to the Los Angeles Times report published in September (which resurfaced this week in a viral tweet from former Obama administration official Eric Columbus), the question was asked by one of the only African Americans in the audience.

The problematic remark comes from a man who is accused of repeatedly preying on young girls, some as young as 14 when he was in his 30s.

Trump publicly endorsed the accused child molester earlier this week in a tweet, writing on December 4: ?Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama. We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!?

He added: ?Putting Pelosi/Schumer Liberal Puppet Jones into office in Alabama would hurt our great Republican Agenda of low on taxes, tough on crime, strong on military and borders?& so much more. Look at your 401-k?s since Election. Highest Stock Market EVER! Jobs are roaring back!?

In a follow-up call to Moore from aboard Air Force One, Trump reportedly said ?Go get ?em, Roy!?

Moore has previously referred to Native Americans as ?reds and yellows,? has questioned former President Barack Obama?s place of birth and has suggested Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress.


I just let out the ugliest laugh shsgshshs

You can't make this shit up :plzstop:


I just read a big article in the Dutch newspaper that America as one of the most powerful countries just died..and the new tax plans will only make the people who are rich more rich. There is not even a reason to worry about Iran or North Korea when the country is killing itself by greed. It is shocking how this view on the US changed in just one year. All the respect that was build over the years is gone now.   :omf:


❄️☃️🌨� Shuji Feels Different 🌨�☃️❄️

So happy about this.

Oh Hillary! Emails!

Y'all fucking DESERVE this. Bernie or bust baby  :letsmessfag:




sometimes i be like, wow we really have trump as president, like for real

Opposites Attract.

Quote from: ???? on December 08, 2017, 11:20:41 PM
sometimes i be like, wow we really have trump as president, like for real
Yeah it?s so weird that this is reality but honestly he hasn?t really done anything yet.

It's unconditional, these days you know....
