Welp it's been real Bsource! Net Neutrality repealed!

Started by Sinpool, December 14, 2017, 01:29:04 PM

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The way sites like Twitter are going to be blocked and/or slowed down hard with all the negative Trump coverage. 

Congress has to officially pass this, but we all know they will.  I was reading an article the other day detailing how much money members of Congress have already received from the telecom industry.  It's kinda scary how much the internet is about to change over the next few years.


Can someone explain this works? It's been over my tumblr for weeks.



Hear 'em swarmin', right? (Zz) 🐝 🐝  is known to bite (Zz, zz)


Quote from: Yah. on December 14, 2017, 01:51:16 PM
And is a US thing?

!!! Because I ain't paying Virgin Media ?30 a month for them to snatch the cat back now :uhh:


It still has to go to congress before it's really put into work, but when it's officially released I want to request all my posts on this site be erased and my account deleted.

I won't be joining you girls in jail when the heat is on.


I wonder will the ISPs really do the negative things they can with their powers
because sounds like it would cause them to lose customers in the process


Yeah. Im going to need to start a new account on here.

Luckily I was ahead of the game and left my old twitter account behind.  :guys:


Quote from: Yah. on December 14, 2017, 01:51:16 PM
And is a US thing?

Basically the internet will be similar to phone companies or cable/satellite

What you can and can't see will be regulated by your Internet service provider. They can chose what to block and what goes fast and slow and instead of just paying for the internet, you will have to pay for the internet and then pay for what extra sites you can use.

It's American, but it will affect the world since alot of American websites are visited by non Americans. An example, if Netflix loses alot of people because not only do they have to pay for Netflix, but they also have to pay for the speed and to be able to stream, then Nextflix would probably end up raises their prices just to make up for the losses and we know how if the US does something alot of other countries are quick to follow.


It aint over yet... expect major lawsuits from major companies and activist to come in the following weeks. They've already been prepping for this. I'm expecting this to end with a federal/supreme court ruling.


Y'all better call your state reps and pressure them to sue the FCC