Waitress drags customers: "Tip me or eat at home"

Started by formation, April 20, 2021, 07:04:38 PM

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Quote from: Jayda X on April 21, 2021, 03:37:45 PM
1k for one vial of insulin
Yh Humans are trash

It's disgusting honestly. I had to fight my insurance company the other day to cover mine  :uhh: :dead:


Quote from: Marilyn on April 21, 2021, 06:10:01 AM
Quote from: Gilgamesh. on April 20, 2021, 11:44:14 PM
They need to raise their wages. How can they legally pay $2 an hour? :uhh:

He explained that it would significantly raise the price of food. It's the core issue. So unless we're willing to pay $30 instead of $13 for chicken tenders and Applebees 2 for $20 converts to 2 for $60 then this always be the system. Paying them fairly means that customers will have to pay way more for the food.

That's a bunch of bullshit just like the whole "raising minimum wage means the cost of living will increase" lie. The cost of food (along with the cost of living) has increased over the years while service industry wages haven't moved at all. And they're probably increase more to "make up" for the profits lost during the beginning of the pandemic. Point the finger at those greedy billionaires who don't want to pay you a living wage instead of other working class people trying to enjoy a meal.



The same people complaining about tipping would also be complaining that eating out was too expensive if the tip was included in the wage.  I don't see the difference if they include it or not


April 22, 2021, 04:58:19 AM #123 Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 05:17:04 AM by Annie
Quote from: Jayda X on April 21, 2021, 07:55:35 AM
Quote from: Gilgamesh. on April 21, 2021, 07:54:30 AM
Sorry, unless it's in the contract or the terms and conditions we (the public) aren't obligated to do a damn thing. Now that I have the facts, when I'm eating out in the States i'll give a more generously but I don't have to.

These girls don't work for me and I don't work at the restaurant.
!!!!! :dead:
It's crazy comparing how things work in other countries

Yes I usually give a couple of euros for delivery of pizza and I had delivery guys who were genuinely happy with like 5 dollars extra. It's just a little bonus because they already getting paid. When I go out to eat and the service is good I will tip extra..but if the food is bad/cold or the people are rude or not paying a lot of attention they can forget about the tip. I feel like that's the beauty of tipping; people who really treat you well get a nice bonus.

It's also usual here to make it an even number..so if you pay 17,55 you can say let's make it 20. Not an obligation at all. It also depends on the restaurant..when you go to a fancy place you leave a tip for the ambience. We never tip at places like McDonalds.



April 22, 2021, 05:02:50 AM #124 Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 05:03:55 AM by Annie
I remember on holiday in Italy I thought I needed to tip a bit more because of other rules in countries. There was this one waitress who couldn't accept more than 5 dollars because of some rule the boss had. So basically just pay your employees and let a tip be a tip and not an obligation please.

On holiday in Serbia the food was so cheap and the taxis too. It was very bizarre to see the people had to work so hard. Same as Poland..in those countries the value of money is totally different. So I definitely tipped a LOT more just because people had unacceptably low wages.

America sounds like a disaster. The last thing I need in my dining experience is entitled waiters because the boss is cheap or the system of minimum wage is broken.



April 22, 2021, 05:09:41 AM #125 Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 05:10:38 AM by Annie
Quote from: Jayda X on April 21, 2021, 03:37:45 PM
1k for one vial of insulin
Yh Humans are trash

It is bizarre
If you compare my country the red dot to that dotted line on the right for the US




April 22, 2021, 05:15:16 AM #126 Last Edit: April 22, 2021, 05:22:23 AM by Annie
Quote from: RAY7 on April 21, 2021, 12:37:37 PM
I tip based on the service. I know ppl work hard but there have been a lot of waiters/waitresses rolling their eyes through your order, forgetting stuff/bringing the wrong stuff/taking a long time etc
those ppl get little to nothing


And to put the responsibility on the customer is the real problem. It's easy for companies to get away with bad behavior. I feel like the whole meaning behind tipping gets lost if people get pissed if you don't. If you roll your eyes at me you can forget about that T.I. tip.
