Rih's... Do you think Rih is Better or on the same level as Bey Vocally?

Started by XXXI, April 05, 2016, 05:33:52 PM

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 :uhh: I've seen some Rih fans on Twitter saying this lately ... and it's not the first time, so I figure the Rih's who are also Bran fans would maybe give a more objective opinion about vocals. Do you think she is a Better vocalist or on the same level?


This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw



Quote from: ANIMMAI on April 05, 2016, 05:36:00 PM
No, but you'll get the hit thread you wanted in no time


:dead: Come on I don't even have a hit post number... daquq do I care about a hit thread?






as a Rih I will have to say hell to the fucking no and in her fucking dreams. Love that gal


Bey is the more skilled singer hands down

Rihanna emotes better and has a more versatile voice tho

And a more distinct voice


Quote from: Young on April 05, 2016, 05:45:10 PM
Bey is the more skilled singer hands down

Rihanna emotes better and has a more versatile voice tho

And a more distinct voice
Oh i can agree with this tho
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw