Ppl r debating whether or not they should've killed this gorilla or not!

Started by GLOCK, May 29, 2016, 05:12:35 PM

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Quote from: Dumas. on May 29, 2016, 08:38:44 PM
I do believe that there are certain animals placed here for our consumption and other animals placed here to live with us and guide us. I definitely feel a spiritual connection with certain animals, such as the Buck, which I have expressed before. And I fume every time to see people simply hunting it down for SPORT. Not for nutrition, not for protein, but simply to hang its head on their wall for decoration. To uplift their "manhood". It's disgusting.

!!!!!!!!!! >>><<<

That's how I feel too.


Quote from: Dumas. on May 29, 2016, 08:38:44 PM
I do believe that there are certain animals placed here for our consumption and other animals placed here to live with us and guide us. I definitely feel a spiritual connection with certain animals, such as the Buck, which I have expressed before. And I fume every time to see people simply hunting it down for SPORT. Not for nutrition, not for protein, but simply to hang its head on their wall for decoration. To uplift their "manhood". It's disgusting.

I agree but it goes way beyond animals being for our consumption though. If you look at the mining industry and how much wildlife is in danger to fund our uses of petroleum and oil, it goes a bit deeper than telling someone eating a cheeseburger means they can't be mad about a gorilla being killed. And environmental harm is an even bigger clusterfuck.

Using veganism as grounds for moral superiority is pretty much a waste of time.


Quote from: Dumas. on May 29, 2016, 08:38:44 PM
I do believe that there are certain animals placed here for our consumption and other animals placed here to live with us and guide us. I definitely feel a spiritual connection with certain animals, such as the Buck, which I have expressed before. And I fume every time to see people simply hunting it down for SPORT. Not for nutrition, not for protein, but simply to hang its head on their wall for decoration. To uplift their "manhood". It's disgusting.

other people could say they have a more spiritual connection with pigs and cows and that bucks should be killed and eaten

certain cultures eat dogs ...and cows are considered sacred and left alone...

the typical humans beliefs are so contradictory and inconsistent...who are we to pick and choose which animals should be enslaved and killed and which animals should be left alone? ya know?


Quote from: Stewie on May 29, 2016, 08:49:49 PM
Quote from: Dumas. on May 29, 2016, 08:38:44 PM
I do believe that there are certain animals placed here for our consumption and other animals placed here to live with us and guide us. I definitely feel a spiritual connection with certain animals, such as the Buck, which I have expressed before. And I fume every time to see people simply hunting it down for SPORT. Not for nutrition, not for protein, but simply to hang its head on their wall for decoration. To uplift their "manhood". It's disgusting.

other people could say they have a more spiritual connection with pigs and cows and that bucks should be killed and eaten

certain cultures eat dogs ...and cows are considered sacred and left alone...

the typical humans beliefs are so contradictory and inconsistent...who are we to pick and choose which animals should be enslaved and killed and which animals should be left alone? ya know?

Which culture is this?  ^o)


Has anyone ever thought about the fact that we pretty much have destroyed parts of the world so much that only tiny can live next to us. Cats, dogs, tiny birds, squirrels and other rodents are the only animals most human see daily and humans are constantly looking for more land to consume as we continue to grow. What's gonna happen to the megafauna when we continue to expand.


Im becoming really iffy on how I feel about Zoos

Secondly this whole situation is disgusting from the child roaming free in a public place; to feeling the need to KILL the Gorill' .

Why not tranq' it?


I honestly never liked zoo's. I feel bad for all animals :stressed: like why is there a PENGUIN in some frozen box. I can't.


Im also desiring meat less and less.

Maybe ground beef once a month

Chicken and Fish 1 to 2 times a week


Quote from: Young on May 29, 2016, 08:59:17 PM
Im also desiring meat less and less.

Maybe ground beef once a month

Chicken and Fish 1 to 2 times a week

sdlfjjdfjfjj  :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: That's still a lot bby.


Quote from: gudit on May 29, 2016, 08:57:26 PM
I honestly never liked zoo's. I feel bad for all animals :stressed: like why is there a PENGUIN in some frozen box. I can't.

I just went to one in San Diego and my heart sank

We really CAGE these bbys up and use them for the entertainment of others, and the big dogs make a killing off this.

Its disgusting.

and some are born behind the glass and its the only life they know...so sad.

I guess the same could be said for us though..lolz
Which is why the world is so chaotic now


Quote from: Dumas. on May 29, 2016, 08:45:29 PM
Quote from: Stewie on May 29, 2016, 08:38:54 PM
Quote from: ANIMMAI on May 29, 2016, 08:27:38 PM
Quote from: Drais. on May 29, 2016, 08:12:20 PM
And meh, where were the parents?

But I'm not really clapping for Bubbles either. Y'all love campaigning for these animals when they'd tear you limb from limb given the chance.   

And it does feel kind of hypocritical crying over Curious George when we eat meat, bacon and wear leather every other day, all of which comes from the slaughter of innocent animals.
its VERY hypocritical
even if someone isn't vegan i at least want them to be AWARE of how contradictory their beliefs are....cognitive dissonance is so real

it reminds me of the outrage over that dentist who killed the african lion.....jkjkj like you're inhaling a plate of grilled chicken as you fume at the news story of this lion getting killed
It's not "hypocritical".

If we wanna take it WAY back...

Native people hunted and consumed meat. Even though there were plenty greens and fruit around them to eat. But also had a RESPECT for animals. And a certain reverence for them. A reverence that is missing when it comes to a lot of people in the world today. Animals are there for them to ride on in a circus, have them jump through fiery hoops. Or removed from their natural habitat, and caged so everyone who's too punk and/or lazy to go see them in their natural setting can come wave at them.

Animals aren't treated with respect. If you're so afraid of what wild animals can do, stop caging them up and letting these dumb ass people and kids FROLIC around their cages. Woo hoo! Hee hee! Hey monkey! Shit got real once they got in to SHARE their world a bit.  :ATLcameo: :ATLcameo: :ATLcameo:
nigger you can't 'revere' or 'respect' another sentient being and then turn around and slit its throat for dinner.  humans can survive on a completely plant based diet. so this falls under unnecessary enslavement and slaughter. these animals are 'products' from the very moment they are born into this world. other than the fact that we have been deeply conditioned to think that they were put on this planet for our consumption, there is no logical reason to think that is actually the case...because we (humans..not talking about carnivores) can survive on a plant based diet. how is what natives did relevant to us today?....humans evolve with time and become more and more conscious about what is wrong and right....and also what is completely unnecessary and harmful to the planet.


Quote from: gudit on May 29, 2016, 09:00:56 PM
Quote from: Young on May 29, 2016, 08:59:17 PM
Im also desiring meat less and less.

Maybe ground beef once a month

Chicken and Fish 1 to 2 times a week

sdlfjjdfjfjj  :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop: That's still a lot bby.

its a proccess :plzstop: :plzstop: :plzstop:

I use to loooooooooooooooooove meat and HATED ALL veggies

Im getting better. My desire is to one day eat no meat. :stressed:


So far I've gone 5 days without meat though

Im proud of myself :stressed:

These cheekbones on fleek too lolz