Welp, Jessica Lange Aint Coming Back To AHS Bih

Started by Freemala Harris, May 30, 2016, 05:25:43 PM

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Freemala Harris

Jessica Lange And ?American Horror Story? Are Never Getting Back Together

During a recent interview with Charlie Rose, the Oscar winner confirmed that ?Freak Show? was indeed her last ride on the ?AHS? carousel, explaining that after four seasons, it felt like right time to take her final bow.

?No, I had four years with that, four seasons, and each year was a marvelous character,? she said. ?Everything changed from one year to another which made it very interesting to me. But no, I think sometimes you come to the end of something and it has had its natural??






Yea,  she chose right. She's gonna be on that other show tho,  about feuds or something
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw

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last season was fine without her tbh i didnt even think about her at all tbh