prisoner kills gay cellmate after asking to be moved away from him

Started by crunk aint dead, December 05, 2021, 01:18:32 AM

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crunk aint dead

Many of Those correction officers are heartless...which is understandable to an extent because it definitely takes a certain type of person/personality to deal with inmates every day 

I can def see them ignoring both of their requests and just waiting to see how the mess would unfold .


Quote from: ophliyah on December 05, 2021, 02:04:02 AM
vvcbvcvc he wasn't "scared"

he was hateful. and the prison was only wrong if the gay cellmate expressed concern for his safety. otherwise... this is prison not kindergarten. you dont get to pick ya partner!

ok yea, since THIS has been confirmed the prison was definitely wrong in part as well.

crunk aint dead

December 06, 2021, 10:25:26 AM #47 Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 10:26:50 AM by Lady of Lithuania
Of course the gay guy wanted to get away from a raging homophobic

Did we really need to put on a thinking cap to assume that?

Which goes back to the prison needing to remove him as requested

And not comparing it to someone approaching an elementary teacher saying they wanna be moved cuz the classmate next to them has the cooties . :disgusted:


of course ! ASSumed !

again, now that its been confirmed, prison definitely holds some responsibility


crunk aint dead

December 06, 2021, 11:13:08 AM #50 Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 11:14:03 AM by Lady of Lithuania
IMO You were way too focused on it being about honoring the hetero inmates request as some sort of special privilege to HIM

"who he think he is making special requests  :uhh: U take what u get in prison!"

As opposed to thinking about how his request being honored could have saved the gay mans life.

It's not about obliging him. It's not about following his orders and requests cuz he's so special. It's about getting him away from that gay man who obviously needed to be saved from him.

Does that make sense?

crunk aint dead

And we can't pretend like we don't know how these stories go .

Gay men usually aren't the aggressors in these situations.

This man says he had an issue with the gay guy before he even opened his mouth. If there was any aggression from the gay guy from that point , it was to defend himself the best way he could given the circumstances of having nowhere to run.

It's unrealistic and even unfair to act as if he was up in that jail cell challenging the hetero guy to a boxing match. Keep it real.


vcvccccc it WAS a special request and it SHOULD'NT have been honored. if they moved prisoners around everytime violence was threatened, it would be a non stop game of musical chairs.

and NOW that we know the gay dude was in fear and requested to be moved for his safety, for THAT reason alone they should have been seperated.

can you comprehend that?

crunk aint dead

Quote from: ophliyah on December 06, 2021, 11:18:22 AM
vcvccccc it WAS a special request and it SHOULD'NT have been honored. if they moved prisoners around everytime violence was threatened, it would be a non stop game of musical chairs.

and NOW that we know the gay dude was in fear and requested to be moved for his safety, for THAT reason alone they should have been seperated.

can you comprehend that?
youre saying his request shouldn't have been honored but you're saying they should have been separated

Are you even comprehending what you're saying?


Quote from: Lady of Lithuania on December 06, 2021, 11:19:37 AM
Quote from: ophliyah on December 06, 2021, 11:18:22 AM
vcvccccc it WAS a special request and it SHOULD'NT have been honored. if they moved prisoners around everytime violence was threatened, it would be a non stop game of musical chairs.

and NOW that we know the gay dude was in fear and requested to be moved for his safety, for THAT reason alone they should have been seperated.

can you comprehend that?
youre saying his request shouldn't have been honored but you're saying they should have been separated

Are you even comprehending what you're saying?

ccxccxcc are YOU ?


crunk aint dead

December 06, 2021, 11:21:40 AM #55 Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 11:22:49 AM by Lady of Lithuania
The bottom line is that we've come to a conclusion that the prison was in the wrong . Given the situation that was obvious to me from the jump and I didn't need a rundown of information regarding the usual story of the homophobic aggressor vs the gay guy to help me come to that conclusion.

The additional details were no surprise to me.

We know how these stories go. Don't play dumb just for the sake of being right.

Dr Naomi Campbell

Quote from: ophliyah on December 06, 2021, 11:18:22 AM
vcvccccc it WAS a special request and it SHOULD'NT have been honored. if they moved prisoners around everytime violence was threatened, it would be a non stop game of musical chairs.

and NOW that we know the gay dude was in fear and requested to be moved for his safety, for THAT reason alone they should have been seperated.

but violence was threated thus far the gay prisoner requesting to move out of fear :disgusted:



Quote from: Naomi's cheekbones on December 06, 2021, 11:24:02 AM
Quote from: ophliyah on December 06, 2021, 11:18:22 AM
vcvccccc it WAS a special request and it SHOULD'NT have been honored. if they moved prisoners around everytime violence was threatened, it would be a non stop game of musical chairs.

and NOW that we know the gay dude was in fear and requested to be moved for his safety, for THAT reason alone they should have been seperated.

but violence was threated thus far the gay prisoner requesting to move out of fear :disgusted:


lemme break this down. in the inital post it did not state the gay dude requested to be moved as well. just that the muderer had requested cuz he dont like gay people. THAT request should have been ignored cuz u in prison nigga u dont get to choose ya cell mate.

AFTER learning that the gay dude requested to be moved put of fear fot his safety, k believe the GAY DUDES request should have been honored as i stated above. just because the murder threatened violence that doesnt automatically mean the gay dude was scared. after all, they are BOTH in prison.

can you comprehend now? shit.

crunk aint dead

Do you know what homophobic men in prison do to gay men Oph?

Take a wild guess.

Yes im an "expert" ... on common sense lol