Tinashe Gets Candid: “Some Days I Feel Powerful”, Others I Wonder “Where It All

Started by Lazarus, January 09, 2022, 08:10:27 PM

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"Times are weird.... I never imagined it would all happen the way that it has. The state of the world, growing up, navigating the music industry as an independent artist... idk some days I feel so powerful and innovative and like I'm really changing the world the way I used to believe I could .

Some days I ruminate wondering where it all went wrong? I'm both excited and trepidatious when I think about the future. The world is changing so fast— and yet I'm still the same. But I'm totally different . Idk .

My ego death began a few years ago. I tend to put my WHOLE heart in things. Regardless of how that is perceived, regardless of the 3D circumstances surrounding me, art remains the answer. ³³³"
