Has Obama ruined the presidency of the United States?

Started by Sharon., March 01, 2016, 07:30:09 PM

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Firstly, I'm obviously from the UK, so that's why I'm asking.

I also think it's amazing that the US finally had a Black president and I'm sure he's done a few great things for the nation and stuff.

However, over the last 8 years I've seen a man who's supposed to be the most powerful man in the world become a fucking celebrity and socialite. Appearing on Ellen, inviting Traci Braxton to the Whitehouse, becoming bosom buddies with Black Hollywood.

Was this normal presidential behaviour? I didn't take notice to presidents before Obama, so I don't really know.

And now we have muppets like Donald Trump actually in with a chance of becoming president. I feel people are just doing it to be edgy. "Oh we had a BLACK president, well why not stump for trumps. LMFAOROFL.

Is Obama to blame, or is the media to blame? I really don't know.




Of course he's a celebrity. This is the social media generation and it's important for him to connect to the younger audience. He hasn't ruined anything. 


This is normal behavior....it just seems strange because it is Beyonce and Jay Z, not Meryl Streep and Billy Joel.


This kinda started with Bill, he was the first 'cool' president, at least since I've been alive

The difference is, Obama is just a lot younger, charismatic and sociable. Plus he became president in the age where FB, Insta, Twitter etc blew up

Although, I don't think Hillary will be as 'hip' when she becomes president.


I mean Marilyn Monroe was singing to John F.

I think the only difference here is that Obama is more connected to black entertainers
which is a new thing





Trump is a walking ad campaign for the entitled white folks who are tired of seeing a black man in office. He does a good job of speaking for that audience, but they don't represent all of America.

And like Drais said, this is the age of social media fueled by the youth. You need the younger crowd behind you in order to secure that vote, which is why Hillary is hitting the nae nae on Ellen and Bernie is on the Breakfast Club with Charlamagne and nem.


Quote from: GRAND SUPREME DIETRICH III on March 01, 2016, 07:34:40 PM
This kinda started with Bill, he was the first 'cool' president, at least since I've been alive

!!! He was playing the saxophone on Arsenio and bragging about smoking weed in college  :dead: It's obvious pandering, but it's necessary.


Quote from: Theonc? on March 01, 2016, 07:39:57 PM
I just perceived that his celebrity status has overshadowed his actual job.

When I saw Michelle feature on that Nickelodeon show, I really could not.
Barack and Michelle know that the youth vote is important, so it suits there campain to enlist celebs like Beyonce, Jay Z, etc to reach those voters.


Quote from: Theonc? on March 01, 2016, 07:30:09 PM
Firstly, I'm obviously from the UK, so that's why I'm asking.

I also think it's amazing that the US finally had a Black president and I'm sure he's done a few great things for the nation and stuff.

However, over the last 8 years I've seen a man who's supposed to be the most powerful man in the world become a fucking celebrity and socialite. Appearing on Ellen, inviting Traci Braxton to the Whitehouse, becoming bosom buddies with Black Hollywood.

Was this normal presidential behaviour? I didn't take notice to presidents before Obama, so I don't really know.

And now we have muppets like Donald Trump actually in with a chance of becoming president. I feel people are just doing it to be edgy. "Oh we had a BLACK president, well why not stump for trumps. LMFAOROFL.

Is Obama to blame, or is the media to blame? I really don't know.
I think I see what you're seeing

but it's not because of Obama's social status or anything he's done. Cause overall he's been a great president.
most of his criticism sadly does stem from the fact that he is a black man that loves black culture

and growing up in America there was always classes and social systems set in place.
stemming back to when even the dirtiest white person could drink from the best fountain, while no blacks allowed signs were hanging. which is why black in America always say we HAVE to excel and be 10 x greater to even get a chance.

Obama and his wife, as hard working are they are were criticized for every single move.

and of course, that DID open the door for a radical asshole like Trump to even attempt presidency, because after a "black" president.... because... white ppl have lost it and are literally scrambling :dead:

If you listen to most of the other GOP candidates, they are in somewhat disbelief as well that he's not only competing but beating them.

It's actually sad when you think about it.

