I Am Cait...

Started by charlie., July 27, 2015, 02:52:34 AM

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"who gives a fck about your grandmother dying...racism still exists, hun"



Quote from: ANIMMAI on July 27, 2015, 11:46:59 AM

so are y'all gonna stop watching love & hip hop now because there are more important things going on in the black community?

I mean, since Caitlyn chopping her peen off is a distraction from the other issues, then Joseline whooping Karlie's ass must be a distraction too...



A show following trayvons/mike brown family would be more effective than this bullshit
If you haven't watched the show .. Then you shouldn't really be going hard..
Imagine if they gave this platform The martins, the gays, the blames, the garners or the Browns..
It would open up the eyes of a lot of Americans .. And it would be highly effective..
Am not saying it would be the cure .. But it for damn sure would open up a lot of people's eyes..

This trans shit can wait ..


Quote from: BigDawg on July 27, 2015, 12:04:55 PM
My thing is this, congrats for Caitlyn being able to express herself to the world as a woman...but why is it necessary to continuously bombard the media with her image. She is not the first transexual, nor will she be the last. To be completely honest how it is being forced, it comes off as sensationalism.
why is kim a celebrity


Quote from: BigDawg on July 27, 2015, 12:12:56 PM
Quote from: Herb. on July 27, 2015, 12:08:25 PM
Quote from: BigDawg on July 27, 2015, 12:04:55 PM
My thing is this, congrats for Caitlyn being able to express herself to the world as a woman...but why is it necessary to continuously bombard the media with her image. She is not the first transexual, nor will she be the last. To be completely honest how it is being forced, it comes off as sensationalism.
well it's a great story tbh

U have a famous man who has a family
Never publicly lived a gay lifestyle
Chooses to be a woman seemingly out of nowhere

It's ratings gold  :plzstop: hell if I had a network I'd want him in there too
Ad revenue galore  :ohwow:
And that is great, but. I heard her story last month,  and the.month before that and so on. I would love to see something that represents what I am going through, as a black man.


Quote from: ANIMMAI on July 27, 2015, 12:16:49 PM
I just don't get what one has to do with the other :dead:

You wanna see more stories about the black experience...cool. But why begrudge what Caitlyn is doing for the trans community in the process? And where's all this concern for representation when everyone is live tweeting RHOA?

This seems like transphobia masked as concern to me and it's late as fuck.
wow yeah


Quote from: ANIMMAI on July 27, 2015, 12:38:22 PM

"who gives a fck about your grandmother dying...racism still exists, hun"


"U faggots  crying about ur house burning down when there's a confederate flag 6.7 miles away from us :uhh: "



Like how they were trying to hard to convince Bruce's mom to accept him
And how so many mufuckas have killed them self becaus they are afraid to be trans..

I have never witnessed such manipulation..

His mother doesn't fucking USE.. But they paid her to pretend she does!

This shit is taking the attention away from larger issues..

The fact that "I am Cait" out peaked Sandra bland and Bobbi Krisitnas death is very telling..
White trans matters more than blacks!
Sorry .. This is just what they think


The fact that they didn't even make Bobbi Kristina's death scroll across the bottom of the screen during "I am Cait" spoke volumes!

wake the fuck up


Quote from: Glock on July 27, 2015, 12:26:22 PM
I'm not transphobic but there are larger issues
And tbh.. Fuck them..
It ain't my fucking cross to bear..
That's exactly what I feel that they do with us..
These lil news segments ain't shit but another way to mark us ass angry thugs who deserve every last bullet..

Why the fuck can't this mess be perched on LOGO or something..
There are greater issues in America and I stand by that..
This whole RHOA argument is foolish because the white housewives are acting just as foolish.. i still don't recall there being ads and commercials that are put in place to help ppl cope with crazy bitches..
This show is a ploy to make everyone love and adore trans ppl.. (Which I'm not against)
But where are the shows to uplift and bring more awareness to the homes of Americans that treat us like shit and drag us across concrete in bikinis for saying something that a cop doesn't like ..
It's a mess and I stand firm on it!

Fuck Caitlin... More black awareness!!

but a show about a transwoman ultimately is just another reality show

so my question is, why haven't you been PUSHING for more positive black shows before today?

or are you RALLYING UP in real life and I'm just not aware? If so please let me know the Groups name so I can join.


Quote from: Herb. on July 27, 2015, 12:35:57 PM
Quote from: Herb. on July 27, 2015, 12:31:12 PM
Quote from: Herb. on July 27, 2015, 12:20:44 PM
Quote from: Glock on July 27, 2015, 12:06:03 PM
Quote from: Herb. on July 27, 2015, 11:21:49 AM
Quote from: BigDawg on July 27, 2015, 11:17:38 AM
Quote from: Herb. on July 27, 2015, 10:50:33 AM
I think it has less to do with a "trans movement"
And more to do with the fact that Bruce Jenner is a huge celeb who will bring in huge ratings
Do u think some random transsexual from the streets with an amazing story would get this platform? Hhhg


And we can sit here and find a load of documentaries dealing with racism in America
And a black mans struggle. Talk shows have covered it numerous times.
Networks, etc.

its nothing new. What WOULD be new is one of our most influential celebrities using their voice to push something other than a streaming service.

Or our black president thinking twice before he refers to our youth as thugs.
No Hun.
You're missing the point
They gave this man a show to help others deal with trans people better and understand that they are just like you and me...
They need to create shows about blacks and helping paint a better picture of them and getting folks to understand that we shouldn't be treated in this way..
A lot of whites only see us one way.. And television has a lot to do with that..
Bringing up what other blacks that have shows can do is kinda pointless ..
This show was created to capitalize on a celeb being a tranny and how we can make America love them and adore them ????
i distinctly remember girls on here complaining thAt they were taking too long with the scholarship portion of the bet awards
Taking time to honor Tom Joyner and his OUTSTANDING contributions to our community. outstanding !!!!!!!!

Oh! Hurry up! Geez ok we get it now where's Rihanna!!!

It was only about two people including myself in that thread who were actually enjoying it.

So here's my question
Do u really think a network is going to out funds on something positive, uplifting and scandal free? And expect an audience when niggers can't even give one of our own highly accomplished and unrealistically selfless men five damn minutes without complaining?
musc' ?  :ohwow:



Quote from: Glock on July 27, 2015, 12:38:45 PM
A show following trayvons/mike brown family would be more effective than this bullshit
If you haven't watched the show .. Then you shouldn't really be going hard..
Imagine if they gave this platform The martins, the gays, the blames, the garners or the Browns..
It would open up the eyes of a lot of Americans .. And it would be highly effective..
Am not saying it would be the cure .. But it for damn sure would open up a lot of people's eyes..

This trans shit can wait ..
All you have to say is you don't use trannys.