Avant is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch

Started by Mrd0ndada, May 09, 2016, 04:17:39 PM

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So I opened up for Dru Hill, Carl Thomas & Avant last night & booooooy it's so funny how things work backstage at these shows  :loose2when: I knew Carl for awhile I call him uncle Carl so it's always love with him!   Dru hill so cool but then there's Avant 🙄 First I went up there at 3:15 to do sound check & Avant's team was arguing with the promoters saying he needs to go last because he's a bigger artist than Dru Hill & Carl Thomas he has more hits & sold more 🤔 some girl came in & said "Carl Thomas said he doesn't mind going first because he'll be able to enjoy the rest of the show".... Then Avant's band just came in & fucked up my sound check time, so I didn't have a sound check at all after waiting a hour & 30 mins to do one....Then when I finally saw Avant back stage he was rude & didn't want to speak.  So the promoter told me that Avant said "He want his band to utilize the entire sound check & no openers need a sound check"  so then I went downstairs with 1 of the promoters, his wife & my cousin who was the house Dj for the event to Dru Hill's dressing room & we chilled with them they HATE Avant!!!!!! Like they were str8 dogging him 😂😂😂😂 Sisqo pulled out his phone & showed me his & Dru hill sales compared to Avant!   Sisqo is hilarious!  😹😹😹 after drinking with Dru hill I went back upstairs to the stage area & Avant was kinda waiting in the wings to perform so I  walked up to him & I asked him "Why did he say no openers needed a sound check" & he said "because they don't!  then he laughed"  so I said "well I was an opener".  Then he said "well the promoters said that".   I just walked off because I know he was lying... The promoters wouldn't tell me to come up there to sound check if they think I didn't need one.  🙄. Anyway Carl & Dru hill so cool!  I got Carl got my number this time...He's really my uncle now 😂 It was funny because Dru hill purposely went on & did miscellaneous numbers & talked to the crowd extra long so they could cut into Avant's time 😂😂😂 the manager was tiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Then Avant went on & was throwing shade like "y'all ready for the REAL show" & "I know ya'll love my old stuff but since I do have hits in this decade unlike some so Ima do (you & I) "  😂😂😂


I have a friend that sings, malone. I believe he was there too, Did u meet him
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


That's kinda shocking to hear since I can only think of a handful of "hits" by him lol

But Carl is my fav EVER, so that alone>>>




more hits than dru hill and carl thomas? :dead:

does he smoke crack

Nyan Cat



I think dru hill is the bigger artist but Avant does have more hits i think.  When i went to see fantasia and he sang,  u forgot all the hits he's had. He's like 7 albums in at this point and he had 2 or 3 from the earlier ones,  so he's right about that part. Carl is definitely the weakest link.  I did like his first album tho
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


im so proud of you dude!
happy to hear all of these doors are opening for u!!!

and dru hill is much bigger than him!


I know that song he has with Keke and the "read your mind" mess that used to play on 106 & Porch back when I was in middle school

Where are all these other hits at? :dead:


Quote from: ANIMMAI on May 09, 2016, 04:26:14 PM
I know that song he has with Keke and the "read your mind" mess that used to play on 106 & Porch back when I was in middle school

Where are all these other hits at? :dead:
Are u serious :dead:
This is my pass to say WHATEVER tf I wanna say about the mess she releases so I don't wanna hear SHIT! Baby mama is a mess of a song btw


Quote from: ANIMMAI on May 09, 2016, 04:26:14 PM
I know that song he has with Keke and the "read your mind" mess that used to play on 106 & Porch back when I was in middle school

Where are all these other hits at? :dead:

that's literally all that came to mind. He does NOT have more hits than Dru Hill LMAO


Quote from: ANIMMAI on May 09, 2016, 04:26:14 PM
I know that song he has with Keke and the "read your mind" mess that used to play on 106 & Porch back when I was in middle school

Where are all these other hits at? :dead:

Yeah there's only like 4 or 5 that come to mind, if that.


These are the Times
In My Bed
Never Make a Promise
Tell Me
How Deep...

Those are just off the top of my head. Not including the few solo hits Sisqo had.

Dru Hill >>> Avon


dru hill has WAY more hits...
lets see

"Tell Me what you want"
"never make a promise"
"i love you"
"in my bed"
"how deep is your love"
"somebodys sleeping in my bed"
"wild wild west"
"i should be"
"5 steps"
"u are everything"
"these are the times"


ommmf :loose2when: