xcccv Fresh Prince of Bel Air coming back to TV!!!!!! new season soon

Started by GLOCK, August 13, 2015, 04:35:21 PM

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Give us all the reboots!
It seems as though every single '90s classic is being remade right now, and another sitcom staple is about to join the club.
Will Smith and his production company Overbrook Entertainment want to bring back The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to the new generation!
Apparently, the original Fresh Prince wants to retell his fish out of water story, but with a new angle ? something along the lines of his now-rich family getting back to his West Philadelphia roots?
We could totally see Will casting Jaden Smith as his character's teenage son and Willow Smith as Jazz's daughter!
How amazing would that be?!
The Fresh Prince reboot is currently in the very early stages of development, but we have a feeling this one is totally going to see the light of day.
[Image via NBC and Brian Dowling/WENN.]




No ma'am

After doing drama and end of the world movies so long, Will's comedy isn't strong anymore.



Oh god can Hollywood just stop please

Some stuff just doesn't need to be touched


Quote from: Glock on August 13, 2015, 05:44:26 PM
Uncle Phil ain't gone be there or the dark mama

OMFG I just read that uncle Phil died  :stressed:

I can't take this.... I won't be apart of this
